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The following is excerpted from the Deseret News.
The LDS Church said Monday that the forced separation of children from parents on the U.S. border harms families and called for rational, compassionate solutions.
“The forced separation of children from their parents now occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border is harmful to families, especially to young children,” said Eric Hawkins, spokesman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “We are deeply troubled by the aggressive and insensitive treatment of these families.”
The statement came amid a growing tumult Monday over the Trump administration’s decision last month to try to deter illegal border crossings by prosecuting parents who cross illegally with their children.
President Donald Trump himself called the practice “so sad” on Monday, but said it would continue until Congress passes immigration reform legislation.
To read the full article on the Deseret News, click here.
SJJune 20, 2018
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has long expressed its position that immigration reform should strengthen families and keep them together. The forced separation of children from their parents now occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border is harmful to families, especially to young children. We are deeply troubled by the aggressive and insensitive treatment of these families. While we recognize the right of all nations to enforce their laws and secure their borders, we encourage our national leaders to take swift action to correct this situation and seek for rational, compassionate solutions.
kathy bergevinJune 20, 2018
The PARENTS came to this country ILLEGALLY and unfortunately the children have been placed in the crossfire between the U.S and the illegal parents. The children are NOT being treated insensitively or aggressively. Their parents are criminals. They go to jail/detention. Children do not belong in jail/detention with their parents. Our legal system does not put children in jail with their parents. Can you guess why??? Could it be to protect the children? This sort of thing happens in the United States and most countries throughout the world every day. The parents commit a crime, go to jail ... but the children do not go with them. Where is the proof many of these children even belong to the said parents? This is one HUGE mess but unfortunately our congress is asleep when it comes to closing our borders and obeying our immigration laws.