The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE

For the first time, all new leaders called to preside over The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ 10 missionary training centers worldwide gathered at the same time and site before departing to begin their two-year assignments.

The three-day 2023 Seminar for New MTC leaders started Tuesday morning, Jan. 10, at the Provo MTC, as the Missionary Department welcomed the 10 couples who will serve as MTC presidents and MTC Relief Society presidents. And sitting beside each couple was the manager of operations at the respective MTC.

“The purpose of this seminar,” said Elder Marcus B. Nash, a General Authority Seventy and Missionary Department executive director, “is to reaffirm the source of the calling for these mission leaders, to enable them by both inspiration and practical instruction to help the missionaries grow spiritually and to deepen their conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ, so that they then in turn can bring light and life to the lives of those to whom they will be sent to in the mission field.”

By Missionary Department projections, these new MTC leaders will collectively help train, transition and influence more than 80,000 new missionaries over their two-year assignments.

In previous years, the annual seminar would bring together new leaders for about half of the MTCs in attendance, staggered with the following seminar for the leaders new that year for the other MTCs.

But with the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in visa restrictions and travel limitations for not only missionaries but also mission and MTC leaders over the past two-plus years and changing service start and stop dates, it just so happens that all MTC leadership changes are happening in January 2023.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE