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The following was contributed by Rachel Tomsick. Join Meridian’s Living Well community on instagram by following us at @meridianlivingwell.
Two main things always stood in my way of getting rid of the chemicals in my household cleaners: Price and Smell.
Something Stinks
I knew that the fragrances and perfumes listed in the ingredients on my favorite cleaners were not good for me or my family, but they JUST. SMELLED. SO. GOOD. My brain gave an almost pavlovian response to my Mr. Clean scented floor cleaner. “This is clean” it told me, “Good job at being awesome, Rachel!” That feeling was so good that I decided to tune out the research.
The ones that smelled good and were convenient for me to purchase came with a hefty price tag. I would occasionally purchase them until they ran out, but inevitably returned to the more affordable, heavily-scented cleaners.
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Gatekeeper of my Home
As most of us do, I take this role of “mother” pretty seriously. For this reason, I couldn’t let myself feel guilty for the things I was buying that may or may not be harmful to our bodily systems. Who had time for that? I make my kids check in when they are playing in the neighborhood, I attend their performances, volunteer in their classes, tuck them in, make them do their homework, break up arguments, read with them, etc, etc.
I am doing A LOT to care for my children. It wasn’t until I was confronted with more and more staggering research about how harmful Fragrance and Perfume is for our systems that I knew something permanent needed to be done. After all, I make those purchases for my household. I make the call. The buck stops here and what I knew, I couldn’t un-know.

The Cleaning Solution
Imagine my joy when I discovered Young Living’s Thieves Household cleaner! It is a completely versatile, all-purpose cleaner that we use on EVERY SURFACE (I am looking at you, hardwood and stainless). More than than that, it is non-toxic and fragranced only with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils! And the smell is heavenly!
But.. let’s talk price. When you become a wholesale member of Young Living (think of it as a Costco membership), you are able to purchase the 14 oz concentrate for around $22. With that concentrate, you can refill a 16 oz spray bottle 30 times! That makes it less than $1 per bottle. Doesn’t get more reasonable than that.

So now my home is spotless (if only). But I don’t feel an ounce of guilt at the cleaner we are using and feel so incredible knowing that I can hand that bottle of cleaner to my kiddos and know that is entirely safe for them to clean with too.
Ready to join and become a Wholesale member and save 24% on all Young Living Product? Click HERE!

When you join with our Meridian Living Well community, we send you five recipe cards including a “12 Ways to use Your Thieves Cleaner” card that is pretty enough to frame!
Join us on instagram @meridianlivingwell to see daily, practical ideas for oils and non-toxic living!
See previous articles on the ways we are using Oils in our homes and families HERE.
Alice GreenMay 9, 2019
Are these products available for purchase in Canada in Canadian dollars?