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Editors Note: Meridian is pleased to announce a new publication to help you better search the words of Isaiah.
Within a few, short weeks, Sunday school classes will be studying the Book of Isaiah together. We are excited to introduce this wonderful resource with a few, introductory articles from its authors, Ann Madsen and Shon Hopkin, which will be found here weekly.
What a comfort and blessing Isaiah’s words would be to the people of our day if we would only read them. We need not fear because we can learn to search Isaiah to find the truths he has preserved for us. One example is Isaiah 54 which beautifully describes metaphorically the Restoration in our time. It’s importance is clear since it is quoted in its entirety by Jesus to the Nephites in the Book of Mormon.
These metaphors describe our time and mission now. Jesus, himself, pleads with us to search these things. So lets get at it. There are tools to use in the task. What we offer is not a book to translate exactly what Isaiah means but a tool to help you as you prayerfully search to know and understand.
The Lord has sent messages to bless us in our day. Nearly 3000 years ago he delivered part of His sublime message to a faithful prophet to record for us. It speaks of our day, a day of Restoration, temples, eternal perspective. Christ’s infinite Atonement, personal revelation, all in the words of a brilliant poet-prophet who paints metaphor pictures that can speak to our hearts and minds. We have the opportunity to learn and live eternal principles. But we must open the book of Isaiah to discover for ourselves the treasure.
So we offer a new tool called, Opening Isaiah: a Harmony. Using 5 different versions of Isaiah’s words side by side in columns for easy comparison, thus we have a companion volume to aid our search.
We invite you to join us in searching Isaiah as we have been admonished to do, with texts, maps and footnotes. If used with real intent, you will discover the truths for our time that Isaiah has kept in tact for us intentionally over many centuries.
Check back with Meridian Magazine to read excerpts from this book that will introduce you to the in-depth insight and knowledge it can provide.