The following is authored by John Brazier Hewlett.
Pioneer Day
The 24th of July – Pioneer Day – is a state holiday in Utah commemorating the entry into the Salt Lake Vally of the vanguard company of Mormon pioneers, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by Brigham Young.
Before emigrating to Utah, the Latter-day Saints had gathered in a new city they named Nauvoo, built on a bend of the Mississippi River in Illinois. Nauvoo rivaled Chicago as the biggest city in Illinois at the time. In February 1846, the Saints were forced to leave their beautiful, brick homes in the dead of winter. They anticipated that they could reach the Missouri River in six weeks and depart for a new home in the Rocky Mountains that summer. Because heavy rain turned the rolling hills of Iowa into a muddy quagmire, it took sixteen weeks to reach the Missouri River, and it was too late to continue to the Rocky Mountains that year. They started new settlements on both the Iowa and Nebraska sides of the Missouri River and spent the winter of 1846-1847 preparing for the trek west, which commenced in April 1847.

On July 24, 1847, after a 1,300-mile journey to the Valley from Nauvoo, an ailing Brigham Young completed the final six miles into the Valley from the Last Creek camp site in Emigration Canyon. Raising himself in the “sick wagon” driven by Wilford Woodruff, Brigham looked out over the valley and declared “This is the place!”
The last few miles of the Mormon Trail through Emigration Canyon followed a steep descent down a rough road blazed by the Donnor-Reed party that the pioneers hastily improved on their initial passage through the canyon. Over time, that route proved too difficult for the increasing traffic of pioneer emigrants so in 1848 Parley P. Pratt began building a new toll road through what was then called Big Canyon and, because of his efforts, came to be called Parley’s Canyon.
The Golden Pass Toll Road engineered by Parley was completed in 1850 and was the primary entryway into the Salt Lake Valley for the pioneers of the 19th century, as it is still today but with eight lanes of freeway traversing the canyon.
My Own Legacy of Faith and Fortitude
My great-grandfather, George Brazier and his younger brother, John, joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in England, and at the ages of 19 and 21, sailed to the United States in 1856, took the train from New York City to Iowa City, and joined the Willie handcart company to walk over a twelve hundred miles to join with the other Saints in Zion.

The members of Willie and Martin handcart companies were so anxious to get to the Salt Lake Valley that they ignored of the advice of experienced travelers on the Mormon Trail to wait until the following spring to embark. John Jaques, another convert from England who was in my great-grandfather’s party, demonstrated this zeal for Zion when he said, “We will go right up to Zion [even] if we go ragged and barefoot.” The Willie party left Iowa City on July 15, 1856, stopped in Florence, Nebraska on the Missouri River to make repairs of their hastily assembled handcarts, and resumed their journey on August 16, 1856.

With early snow storms in October 1856, the members of the Willie company endured cold, starvation, and six Sweetwater River crossings through icy water. The first rescue party organized by Brigham Young at the October General Conference of 1856 reached the Willie Company on October 21st. On October 23rd they endured a brutal trek over Rocky Ridge in a blizzard. Ten supply wagons finally reached the Willie Company on October 31st and with the arrival of additional teams, all of the surviving members of the Willie Company were now able to ride in wagons. On November 9th, the Willie Company descended Parley’s Canyon and finally entered the Salt Lake Valley.
The travails of the ill-fated Willie handcart company are well documented and part of our shared Church history and culture. What George and John endured laid the foundation of my personal pioneer heritage of faith and fortitude.
My Legacy of Health Challenges
On the ill-starred side of my family heritage is a predisposition to heart disease. My great-grandfather, my grandfather, father, uncle, and many family members all passed away far too early in life because of heart-related issues.

My father, Lester F. Hewlett, Jr., pictured on the right, died at age 62 of heart-related issues; my uncle, Charles Hewlett, on the left, died at age 57 of heart disease.
They survived the stress of military service during World War II. Dad served as an Army lieutenant in the Philippines. Uncle Charlie served in the Army as a lieutenant colonel, fought in the infantry across Europe, and suffered from we now know was PTSD.

Dad also endured the stress of the tragic death of his namesake son, Lester F. Hewlett III, who was killed by a drunk driver in a car accident when my older brother was in high school.
Then he survived the stress of three years of devoted and demanding service to members and missionaries as a young mission president in Melbourne, Australia – starting at age 48 – when I was still a teenager.
Sadly though, neither Dad nor Uncle Charlie knew how to manage the risks of the genetic influences that stressed their cardiovascular systems and caused their premature deaths.
Determination to Find a Better Way: My “Nitric Oxide Odyssey”
My own encounter with heart problems 13 years ago led to my personal odyssey of discovering the importance of nitric oxide and vitamin D3 therapy in cardiovascular health. Heart disease and its complications almost took my life.
Thanks to nitric oxide and Cardio Miracle® – an easy-to-take, all-natural supplement that I formulated to be the best supplement of its kind – my heart disease symptoms and issues have been alleviated and effectively managed, and today I live an active and normal life. You can learn more about Cardio Miracle® by visiting

It was a defining – and liberating – moment in my life when I walked away from three and a half decades of business and financial success to pursue my mission of educating and sharing the emerging research of one of the most natural means of preventing and coping with cardiovascular, diabetic, and other health issues.
Now, over a decade later, I see my chosen career choice as sharing hope through the application of the scientific breakthrough of Nobel Prize-awarded science and the thousands of studies validating nitric oxide to the formulation and distribution of Cardio Miracle® – the highest quality nitric oxide supplement on the market.
Cardiovascular and Other Benefits of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide has many important heart and whole body benefits. It’s most commonly known as a vascular dilator and blood pressure regulator. By promoting healthy dilation of your veins and arteries blood flows more easily to all the organs of tissue throughout the body. Nitric oxide prevents red blood cells from sticking together and creating dangerous clots and blockages that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
This innermost layer of cells in the blood vessels is called the endothelium, and it holds the key to vascular health. Think of the endothelium as an inner reflection of your outer self. You see, the endothelium is the “gatekeeper” that protects the blood vessels from the destructive forces of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, oxidized LDL cholesterol, stress, and environmental toxins such as cigarette smoke. Prolonged exposure to these risk factors damages the endothelium, causing the blood vessels to lose their elasticity and become prone to plaque buildup and calcification.

The most important take away here is to know that nitric oxide production declines every decade of our lives so that by 50 years of age one is producing about 50% of the nitric oxide produced at 20 years of age. This is why it is so critical to protect the heart and entire cardiovascular system by supplementing with Cardio Miracle®.
Here is the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic’s prescription for the keys to raising nitric oxide:
- Eat right. Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains, and limit your intake of fat, sugar and salt.
- Get moving. Incorporate regular activity into your life and try to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
- Lower your risk factors. Aim to to normalize your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, using medications, if needed and prescribed by your doctor.
- Breathe deeply through your nose. Breathe slowly through your nose for a few minutes, especially if you’re feeling stressed. Unlike breathing through your mouth, nose breathing helps release nitric oxide, the chemical that expands your blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and has an all-over calming effect.
I’ll add one more item to the list: supplement the production of nitric oxide naturally by starting a daily regimen of Cardio Miracle® – without delay! Cardio Miracle® supports the goals of lowering the risk factors identified by the Cleveland Clinic.
Go to to learn more about the benefits of Cardio Miracle®
Cardio Miracle is as corrective as it is preventative. It’s a full spectrum supplement that provides therapeutic doses of vitamin D in addition to the highest quality vitamin B complex. Along with 5000 mg of anti-oxidant protection it will boost your levels of nitric oxide production to its maximum levels for up to 24 hours. If you elect the auto ship-option, what we call Subscribe & Save where we pay for shipping, Cardio Miracle® is also one of the most cost-effective nitric oxide supplements on the market.
Cardio Miracle®, our proprietary formula for a nitric oxide boost, received its validation at the highest levels of laboratory research conducted in 2019 at the University of Ohio as a life-altering delivery of nitric oxide therapy. Its effectiveness at the CELLULAR LEVEL is unmatched in producing nitric oxide 24 hours a day.

Professor Tadeusz Malinski, a world-recognized and pioneering expert on vitamin D3 and measuring nitric oxide delivery, supervised a study at the University of Ohio where the effect of supplementing with Cardio Miracle® was studied. This study demonstrated that Cardio Miracle® stimulates nitric oxide in the cell within one second, extends at therapeutic levels within several seconds, and continues in the cellular membrane for over 12 hours at significant levels. This is real science from one of the preeminent scientists of our time in this field. This research affects real people and makes a difference in thousands of lives.
Hope for Good Health
There is new hope for many health issues that didn’t exist for my dad and Uncle Charlie. Along with medical advances in essential treatment, necessary surgeries, and emergency medicine that we are able to access today, with knowledge gleaned from emerging research on natural remedies that combine with important scientific and medical advancements, we can integrate these two approaches for better health and better medical outcomes.
I live in the mountains east of Salt Lake City and routinely drive Interstate 80 through Parley’s Canyon. As I speed down the interstate in my comfortable car and see the Salt Lake Valley unfold before my eyes, I often think of great-grandfather George Brazier and his brother John Brazier, whose name I bear. I try to be ever mindful of the sacrifices they made to come to Zion and build the foundation for the blessed lives my family and I enjoy. I am truly humbled by this legacy. It has given me the faith and fortitude to endure the challenges of creating, financing, and building a new company to bring you the daily benefits of Cardio Miracle® and enable us to overcome the heart disease genetics that claimed Dad, Uncle Charlie, and too many of our ancestors.
May each of us realize that there is hope of better health and vitality! The gift of life and the right to make personal choices for our individual health liberty are things we can celebrate and employ each day as we strive for the highest and best uses of our lives and the lives of those we love. This is our inheritance from our ancestors as we stand in the 21st century on the shoulders and sacrifices of our pioneer ancestors.
Visit and live longer and better so you can share in more memories with those you love with life-changing Cardio Miracle®.