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This movie spent a very long time in production…as in 20 years! Disney was going to produce it but computer effects at the time weren’t quite up to the task.  The technical innovations were worth the wait, but the story could have used some more time to work out.  As the name Gemini Man suggests, an assassin is cloned. 

Ang Lee, who directed the fantastic Life of Pi also directed this movie, which is particularly amazing because they’re such totally different films from one another.  This film is not related to the old TV show of the same name back in 1976.


While most movie critics have been busy trashing Gemini Man for its poor story and writing by David Beinoff, it does have some good things going for it.  Most notably is the mind-blowing anti-aging technology used on Will Smith.  The young Will Smith looked soooo real.  He gives a strong performance, young and old.  The fight scene between Will Smith and…himself is especially impressive.

The stunt work and action sequences were also pretty doggone amazing.  Sometimes they were so unbelievable that they looked like they were from a video game.  The filming of an intense motorcycle scene was crazy good.  Some scenes were shot in Savannah, Georgia and Cartegena, Colombia.

Jaden Smith’s song “Icon” is featured in the second trailer that was released for the movie. Jaden is Will Smith’s son. The talented cast includes mainly Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen, Benedict Wong.

Now that you’re thinking the movie must be completely awesome, know that it has some flaws too.  First, if you’ve seen the trailer, then you’ve pretty much seen the movie.  Some of the characters and dialogue are pretty flat and predictable.  You’ll be able to see a few twists coming but it’s still fun when they arrive.


  • Some profanity, including 1 F-bomb
  • People in peril. Some die.
  • Destruction, violence
  • A woman strips down to her underwear. You see the top half of her in a bra.
  • A fascinating topic of conversation for your family to have after watching this movie together:  If you could meet your future self, what would you want to know?  What questions would you ask?


  • Identity
  • Loyalty
  • Friendship
  • Truth
  • Choice
  • Perfection
  • Humanity

There are some lines in the movie worth noting because they have a spiritual element.  Use these as a starting point for conversations with your friends and family if you watch this movie together.

  • “Scared is good. It means you’re alert.” –  Henry Brogan  (Will Smith)
  • “Caution has kept me alive.” – Henry
  • “He’s your darkness.  You have to walk through this alone.” – Clay Verris (Clive Owen)
  • “Don’t doubt, Junior.  You’re better than that.” – Clay
  • “Don’t let yourself down.” – Clay
  • “There is no perfect version of me or him or anybody.” – Henry

Movie Review Mom:  Trina Boice teaches for BYU-I, is an author of 29 books, a mother of 4 sons, and online instructor for Brigham Young University.  You can read more of her reviews at  You can hear her podcast “Daily Inspirational Quotes Hosted by Trina” on Amazon Echo devices and Volley FM.  She founded an online school and continues to create courses at  Because she is a popular speaker in China and loves to travel around the world, she created  You can see all of her books and win prizes at  You can also find @TrinaBoice on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.