The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full prayer, CLICK HERE

Following is the text to the prayer offered by President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, to rededicate the Columbus Ohio Temple on Sunday, June 4.

Our Heavenly Father, with deep love and reverence for Thee and Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we Thy children join together to rededicate this beautiful Columbus Ohio Temple. We remember the dedicatory prayer pronounced by President Gordon B. Hinckley on Sept. 4, 1999. We ask that all the blessings previously pronounced by President Hinckley will continue upon the temple and the members.

We are assembled to rededicate this Thy house. It has been 187 years since the first temple in this dispensation was dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio, by the Prophet Joseph Smith. We remember that the heavens were opened, and Thy Son visited and accepted that temple, and Moses, Elias and Elijah committed the keys of this dispensation to thy living Prophet.

Today we rededicate this temple at the direction of President Russell M. Nelson, who holds all the restored keys of the priesthood in our day. After extensive renovation and renewal, we will now rededicate the temple from the depth of its foundation to the height of its steeple. In the Prophet Joseph Smith’s Kirtland Temple dedicatory prayer, he prayed:

To read the full prayer, CLICK HERE