The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE

Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught Brigham Young University students on Tuesday, December 6, how to best pursue the light and truth of Jesus Christ.

“Our quest in life is to seek for light and truth and to walk with our Savior and receive the magnificent blessing of having Him walk with us, despite the darkness that exists in the world today,” the leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints told thousands of assembled students in the Marriott Center in Provo, Utah.

The modern world is amassed with mountains of information, but “it has never been harder to discern truth,” Elder Soares said.

“You might be able to walk with incredibly powerful technology in your pocket or backpack, but you cannot simply ask technology for light and truth,” the Apostle continued. “Walking with technology, even with its amazing capabilities, should never be confused with walking with Jesus. Relying on our walk with worldly voices and earthly sources can leave us vulnerable to false philosophies and untruths. These things may be appealing to us, but they do not represent the truth.”

Elder Soares shared teachings from present and past Church leaders about the reality of absolute truth.

“Truth is truth,” President Russell M. Nelson taught in 2019. “Some things are simply true. The arbiter of truth is God — not your favorite social media news feed.”

President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) said absolute truth cannot be “altered by the opinions of men.”

To read the full article, CLICK HERE