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April 28, 2024

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John TaberAugust 23, 2013

Some places on my mission in Italy had three men taking turns being branch president, or one or two each taking every third turn. That said, I've seen many a local unit at least try to break out of that mold both there and here by working different people into the rotation. OTOH, I was ward membership clerk three different places in four and a half years, and now I've been an assistant stake clerk for over eleven. My wife is on her second stint as both a Primary teacher and as a visiting teaching supervisor in our ward - she's been here nine years.

Beth TAugust 21, 2013

I'm sorry but it hurt too much to laugh. We have an awesome ward but we are hurting deeply with the lack of those who's talents are dormant. Praying for their faith to grow in God's promise that they can do "all things" through Him. Thanks for the SMILES!!!

LeahAugust 21, 2013

Funny but true! I guess that meeting where the Lord said "These I will make my leaders" budgeted 10 people for each ward! They all know eachother and like working together so OK by ME!!!



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