As of now, and for the first time since the 1950’s, you can buy a caffeinated Coca Cola on the BYU campus.
Workers began loading the machines Thursday morning, but no worries. This will still be a stone cold sober campus.
Here’s a link for everything you wanted to know about it.
pamSeptember 27, 2017
Elder Renlund visited our Stake last year and said that, when asked directly if it was OK to drink Coke and such, it wasn't a big deal. I'm paraphrasing, but that was basically it.
HalSeptember 27, 2017
I feel we should be careful in how we interpret the Word of Wisdom. Doctrine and Covenants section 89 specifies the avoidance of "hot drinks" which has been interpreted by the Brethren as tea and coffee. For years, members have tried to establish what was in these two beverages to warranted their prohibition. Since caffeine is common between the two, some have surmised that any food or drink with caffeine is harmful. In like manner, some members justify the drinking of decaffeinated coffee as being acceptable. This is a dangerous rationalization and we should be cautious in how we both interpret the Lord's commandments as well as how we judge how others keep those same commandments. Church leaders have been strongly instructed to avoid asking members if they drink caffeinated soda as part of the Word of Wisdom, and certainly not to withhold callings or temple recommends from those who do. Finally, if we take the stance that we should avoid all substances that contain harmful ingredients, then we should probably avoid soft drinks and snack foods altogether. That said, until I hear differently from the proper authorities, I will continue to follow the current counsel to avoid tea and coffee and to limit my ingestion of "junk food" (including soft drinks - caffeinated or not) to moderate levels.