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The renovations of the Asunción Paraguay Temple are finished, and the sacred structure was rededicated by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on Sunday, November 3, 2019. Elder Benjamín De Hoyos accompanied Elder Christofferson.

The Asunción Temple serves some 100,000 Church members in Paraguay and the surrounding area.

Elder Christofferson said, “I’m convinced that a temple in any place, in any country is a blessing and is a source of continuing blessing not only to the Latter-day Saints but to all the people of the nation . . . where a temple is established. It blesses the lives of the Latter-day Saints directly, of course, but it also is a spiritual fortification that brings the Lord’s spirit and presence into a place and benefits directly and indirectly everyone.”

He said the work of renovation on the temple has been done beautifully. “It’s a great privilege, a great honor to be part of its rededication.”

“The rededication of the temple is a sacred moment,” explained Elder Christofferson. “For me, it’s an opportunity for all of us to consider our own situations, individually, and how we might rededicate ourselves to the work of the Lord, being His disciples.”

To read the full report on the Church Newsroom, CLICK HERE.