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‘Peace I Give Unto You,’ a Palestinian Relief Society President shares her story
What would you do if you were the only Latter-day Saint in your whole country and the only way to attend sacrament meeting was to get over, around, or through a massive wall meant to keep you and your people out? And how would you make peace with your situation and learn to forgive?
Sahar Qumsiyeh, a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Bethlehem, found unorthodox ways to attend her meetings for 12 years until a job at a UN agency allowed her to pass through the checkpoints freely. As Relief Society President in the Jerusalem District, she shares the same responsibilities as her counterparts throughout the world, but with an added challenge of a wall which prevents many of those in her care from ever meeting. Through it all, she has learned to trust the inspiration and peace of the Holy Spirit, giving her the peace Jesus promised; a peace not of this world.
That’s this week on The Cricket and Seagull.