Chieko Okazaki in her own words: a final interview
When I heard Chieko Okazaki had passed away earlier this month, my first glance was to my bookshelf where I saw the two origami cranes she made out of gold foil paper and presented to me during the one interview I had with her. When you hear what the symbolism of those cranes is you’ll know why I’ve kept them and why they are so meaningful to me.
The moment she walked in the door I felt not only the unexpected power of her presence, but also a clear feeling that she was not alone; that she walked and talked with her Savior. It was something I have rarely experienced to that degree and a feeling I will never forget. In the few short joyful moments I had to interview her about her final book “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (a book whose title could sum up her life) she gave me several gifts; two golden cranes, one cryptic little wooden sign I treasure, and an increased desire to know Jesus in the way she did and now, surely, does.
I can think of no better way to thank her for those gifts than to let you hear her tell about that relationship in her own voice.
That’s this week on The Cricket and Seagull.