The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE. 

No one can make little Mavie Canlas laugh like her daddy. When Carl Canlas makes funny noises for his 5-month-old baby girl, she bursts into giggles and watches his face for more.

Mavie is named for her two grandmothers, Maribel and Virginia. Both were strong women who survived kidney failure and cancer. Her name was chosen before her parents found out she would be facing her own health battle — one discovered in the womb. A diagnosis so dire the doctors first offered pregnancy termination as an option for the Canlas family.

But because of the generous gift from another family, the Canlases and other families have had the option of specialized fetal care — allowing their babies to survive and thrive.

Baby Mavie’s story is intricately connected with the story of a baby named Grant.

The Grant Scott Bonham Fetal Center

On April 28, Brad and Megan Bonham helped cut the ribbon on the newly named Grant Scott Bonham Fetal Center at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital. The Bonhams’ $15 million endowed gift helped Intermountain Healthcare establish the first highly specialized fetal care center not only in Utah but in the Intermountain West area of the United States.

The center features maternal-fetal medicine specialists to support the expectant mother and family, highly trained neonatologists caring for newborns, and pediatric specialists to meet the baby’s needs before and after delivery.

And the name allows Grant’s memory to live on.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.