The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
Roughly a million young members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ages 11 to 18 worldwide are gathering beginning Sunday, January 5, 2025, to learn more about the 2025 youth theme, “Look Unto Christ.”
Each year, a youth theme is chosen to help encourage, inspire and unite the youth around the world who are striving to follow Jesus Christ. The theme is typically a motto or a phrase based on a scriptural passage. New songs, artwork and other materials each year help youth and their leaders to incorporate the theme into their activities, church meetings and personal lives.
The 2025 youth theme is based on the scripture, “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36).
Youth are gathering locally to view a 25-minute video of messages and music featuring Young Men General President Steven J. Lund, Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman, and Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and to discuss what it means to come unto Christ.
Filmed last spring at the Sacred Grove Historic Site in Palmyra, New York, the two General Presidents drew parallels between 14-year-old Joseph Smith — who prayed in that same grove about what he should know and what he should do next — and today’s youth.
“How many of us have questions? How many of us have doubts? How many of us have fears?” asked President Freeman. “And how many of us need to find … our own Grove where we can kneel down and look to Christ and look to our Father for those questions that we’re asking … and know a ray, a pillar is going to come in that movement?”
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.