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On Sunday, the Church shared the following video on Facebook along with this message:
“Reaching out to those in need doesn’t require the extraordinary, just a regular outpouring of the ordinary. To be invited, noticed, and loved are not special needs; they are everybody’s needs.
Visit for updated guidance and resources for accommodating everyone’s needs.”
PatAugust 21, 2019
This is a great video with an important message. Everyone is included at the table to feast upon His word. I really wish that they would have represented those with learning disabilities. My daughter was humiliated during Sunday school by the teacher because of her lack spelling and reading abilities. She has dyslexia. She was 17 at the time and she was very aware that she cannot do what others do. It was very difficult for her. I had to ask the teacher to stop. He apologized to my daughter. It happens all the time to her. At church people need to not be so quick to point out others weaknesses and just be accepting.