The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
As you look for ways to bring light and hope to others this Christmas season, consider visiting a Light the World Giving Machine.
Since 2017, these giving-focused vending machines sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been an important way to share the love of Jesus Christ with people around the world.
Giving Machines are a unique and memorable way to give much-needed goods and services directly to someone this Christmas season. This year, visiting a Giving Machine is easier than ever, as they will be in 106 cities in 13 countries on five continents — including the first in Africa and Asia.
“Light the World is our message of glad tidings, which we’re assured will bring joy to all people because of Jesus Christ — because of His birth, because of His ministry and because of His resurrection,” said Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at the 2024 launch event in the Conference Center on Temple Square on Thursday, November 13, 2024. “Just as angels declared words of great joy at His birth, we too in our own small way, gift by gift, can be angels in the lives of others as we extend the love of Jesus Christ to people near and far, and as we proclaim a witness of the Savior of the world.”
Millions of items have been donated through Giving Machines since 2017, valued at more than US$32 million. The Church of Jesus Christ covers all program operational expenses. This ensures that 100% of every donation is used to provide those in need with the item a generous donor has purchased for them.
More than 500 local and international nonprofit organizations will participate in this year’s Giving Machine initiative. This year’s global charities are The Academy for Creating Enterprise, American Red Cross, Care, Catholic Relief Services, Church World Service, Days for Girls International, iDE Global, Lifting Hands International, MAP International, Mentors International, Right to Play, Save the Children, UNICEF, Water Aid, and World Food Program. Among the items available are food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education, job and career training, and livestock.
To view the list of locations, CLICK HERE.