Education Week 2024 came to a close on August 23. This year, more than 1,000 classes were offered to attendees. The theme for the entire conference came from Romans 12:2, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Below is a collection of quotes from several sessions by BYU employees as well as leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“All things work together for good; the good and the bad experiences can work towards the benefit of those that love God. It doesn’t say only for those who are perfect, or saintly, but those who love God. Those who want to be converted to Him.” –Brad Owens
“When you are looking for joy you will find it. When you are looking for Him you can find Him. The focus of our lives is what we think about and talk about.” –Lisa Valentine Clark
“One of the most important things we can do to maintain [family] relationships is to share spiritual experiences“ –Heather K. Bigley
“There is a spiritual and biological yearning to know who we are, where we are from and who we are connected to. There is something imprinted in our spiritual DNA that is part of our Heavenly Parents.” –Kerry Muhlestein
“Pray for the ability to focus on the Savior, not on the storm. Much of the adversity that the world faces is internal — it has to do with the heart. And He is the great Healer of the heart.” –Gaylamarie Rosenberg
“A covenant relationship with God is liberating, not limiting.” –President Camille N. Johnson
“Every time God asks you to let go of something, He has something better in store. Nothing this world has to offer compares to what the Lord has to offer.” –Tyler Griffin
“The Savior’s job is to heal. Our job is to love.” –Sister J. Anette Dennis
“I propose to you that we expect these things [feeling a sense of connection, unity and purpose in the Lord] to happen organically, but mostly they happen intentionally.” — Josh Perkey