Senators Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah and Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona took the opportunity since the passing of President Thomas S. Monson to honor him on the Senate floor with speeches about his legacy. Here are some of the highlights of what they said:
Senator Mike Lee:
“He was a leader who understood how small acts of kindness could affect peoples’ lives in profound ways.
And he urged his brothers and sisters in faith to be on the lookout for signs that God was calling them to help. “Never fail to follow a prompting” of the Holy Spirit, he would say.
This could mean visiting a relative in the hospital. Or delivering a meal to a coworker who was mourning a loss. Or just checking in on a friend you haven’t seen in awhile.
For President Monson, it was always about taking time for that personal connection.
President Monson knew that little encounters build strong relationships—and strong Saints.”
To read the full transcript, click here or watch the full address below.
Senator Jeff Flake:
“There is much that can be said about what President Monson taught us from the pulpit. There is much more to be learned about what he did when he wasn’t speaking; the sick that he visited, the weary he sustained, the jobless he aided and the homeless he sheltered.”
Senator Orrin Hatch:
“Whether as a prophet or apostle, a mission president or a friend, President Monson simply took care of people.”
“President Monson’s example of intimate, individual ministry underscored what was most remarkable about his leadership. Although he presided over a Church of millions, his focus was always on the one. Although tasked with making administrative decisions affecting thousands of people the world over, his lifelong commitment was to serving individuals in need. Although an expert manager, he was first and foremost a disciple of Jesus Christ.”
Erika PechacekJanuary 12, 2018
What was said about President Monson is true and his life was a life of service to all. I hope that the Senators, who’s empty chairs behind these three speakers speak volumes, will take the time to listen to what was said. They could learn on how to serve the American People and become Uniters instead of Dividers. God has to be allowed back on the House and Senate floor and the Leaders of this Nation following the Lord’s example, will make all a better people and Nation.