After the miracle of feeding the five thousand, Jesus instructed his disciples to board a ship to cross the Sea of Galilee while He stayed behind to send away the multitude and to pray. When night came, the wind started to blow, and the waves became high. Later that night, Jesus came to aid His disciples. They saw Him walking on the water and were afraid because they thought He was a spirit.

Jesus called to them, “It is I; be not afraid.” Peter challenged, “If it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” And Jesus responded, “Come.” (Matt. 14:28–29.) Accepting his invitation, Peter sprang out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward the Savior. Upon glancing away from Jesus, Peter noticed the furious waves and became afraid. He began to sink into the water and cried out pleading for Jesus to save him. The Savior took Peter’s hand and asked why he did not have more faith. When Jesus and Peter returned to the boat, the storm stopped.

We too are on our own unique path in life. There are many experiences we will have that leave us feeling like Jesus’s disciples, alone in a sudden storm. Like Peter, we can choose to have faith. When we feel like we are sinking as we face life’s trials, we can make the choice to focus on the Savior. Amid the storms of life and during periods of darkness, He stands nearby ready to extend His loving arm to help us when we call to Him. 

The paintings below depict Jesus walking on water and reaching out to Peter with His almighty hand providing peace, hope and comfort to Christians all over the world. 

The Hand of God, by Yongsung Kim depicts a new perspective of Jesus Christ as He was reaching with His hand to save Peter from drowning. Kim decided to paint The Hand of God painting from Peter’s first-person perspective. It makes the painting all the more relatable and empowering, because it connects us to the Savior at a much deeper level.

Come Be Not Afraid, by Dan Wilson depicts Jesus walking amidst a storm, yet no matter how dark the night He is still there as a light and ready to be there to offer His hand. 

Come and See Blue, by Scott Sumner is a bright depiction of Christ inviting his children to come unto Him. The water is calm and still which creates a calm feeling for the viewer. 

Walking on Water, by Yongsung Kim depicts Jesus Christ walking on water by the power of faith. He was walking on water to come save His disciples from the storm. 

Follow Me, by Liz Lemon Swindle offers a unique view of the Savior’s feet as he effortlessly walks on the water. The water is calm alike unto His presence.