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February 10, 2025

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belindaMay 6, 2013

I love you articles

ReginaApril 2, 2013

I loved this article. I just recently read this passage In the Book of Mormon and was amazed at the phrase "a frenzied mind" in as much as we have such popular books written with such titles as "The God Delusion." How prophetic the Book of Mormon is! It teaches us what fallacies to beware of today.

KathrynApril 2, 2013

Sister Vandagriff, your teachings on the atonement continue to inspire me! Thank you so much. I still remember an insight from my early morning seminary days: Korihor claims that no one can know of things to come, yet he contradicts that when he implies that *he* knows of things to come (for instance, when he accuses the people of believing in "things which are not so.") He does that a couple of times. His flimsy arguments fall apart under close examination. Thanks again for sharing your faith and testimony!



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