Chip, regarding Ether 12:41, Moroni is speaking of prophetic writings regarding the coming and ministry of the Savior, and writings of New World apostles sharing and discussing the Savior's teachings among the Nephites.
Chip WhitmerJuly 19, 2019
Ether 12:41 -- "And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written..." (Moroni editorializing.)
This suggests pretty strongly that Moroni was familiar with New Testament writings. How he would have received those writings is open for speculation.
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MichaelJuly 24, 2019
Chip, regarding Ether 12:41, Moroni is speaking of prophetic writings regarding the coming and ministry of the Savior, and writings of New World apostles sharing and discussing the Savior's teachings among the Nephites.
Chip WhitmerJuly 19, 2019
Ether 12:41 -- "And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written..." (Moroni editorializing.) This suggests pretty strongly that Moroni was familiar with New Testament writings. How he would have received those writings is open for speculation.