Exposed under special light, scorpions can’t hide their true nature. In like manner the light of the Holy Ghost exposes spiritual dangers to protect our souls.
During the Arizona summers my grandchildren love a scorpion hunt. We take a black light and start inside the house, then sweep the special light across the back wall of our citrus grove, searching for the pesky “devil” scorpions.
Exposed under the unique light, scorpions glow bright yellow. Once exposed, these pests are no match for a determined shoe and a desire to protect our family.
Without the special light to expose them, scorpions are master blenders, lying in wait in the nooks and crannies to sting unsuspecting victims with searing venom.
Notably, the special light can’t expose the danger unless all other interfering glare is eliminated: the blare of the TV, the flash of the internet, or the borrowed light from an adjoining room.
The Holy Ghost
In much the same way that focused light reveals danger before a scorpion strikes, so it is with the illuminating protection of the Holy Ghost. Sin is like distracting glare: it blocks our ability to focus the light of the spirit.
To ensure the spirit’s focused protection we must follow Christ and keep his commandments: “And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole body shall be filled with light” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:67).
According to Elder Bruce R. McConkie, the companionship of the Holy Ghost “is the greatest gift that mortal man can enjoy (Mormon Doctrine, p. 359). Elder Keith McMullen has said, “That which is received of him (the Holy Ghost) has a more powerful effect upon the soul than anything else received in any other way” (Keith B. McMullin, “Ye May Know,” Ensign, May 1996, p. 8).
So precious is the light of the spirit that even “angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost” (2 Nephi 32:3).
The Holy Ghost testifies, purifies and protects. Sin lies, pollutes and attacks.
Whether exposing scorpions before they strike, or protecting against the toxins of the natural man, special light exposes the danger, reveals true nature, and protects by prevention what no amount of anti-venom can soothe. Eliminate the false light of sin’s allure and seek the pure, protecting light of the spirit.