The site for the Fort Collins Colorado Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been selected. The new temple will be constructed on the southeast corner of the intersection at Trilby Road and Timberline Road, across the street from an LDS chapel in Fort Collins.

“We appreciate the many people from Fort Collins who have worked with us during the site selection process,” said Russell McClure, president of the Fort Collins Colorado Stake. “We feel this new temple will be a great asset not only to members of the Church in Colorado and the region but also to the people of Fort Collins, who will benefit from the peace and beauty a temple brings.”

The Fort Collins Temple was announced at a general conference of the Church in April 2011. It is the 158th temple of the Church and the second in Colorado. The Denver Colorado Temple was dedicated in 1986. A total of 160 temples are now completed, announced or under construction across the globe.

“Having a temple here in Fort Collins is a great blessing to our members,” said Steven Garrett, President of the Loveland Colorado Stake of the LDS Church. “Temples are where members participate in the most meaningful and significant rites of our religion—where we make and renew promises to God and to our families.”

Construction of the new temple will begin sometime in the coming months and is expected to take approximately two years.

For more information about this site and the temple to be constructed there, visit The site includes a proposed site plan, general information on temples, the history of the Church and the purpose of temples. This site will also provide specific information about the Fort Collins Colorado Temple as it becomes available.