See earlier discussion in this thread here and here.
This week we’re rounding out our discussion of being bored in church. If you haven’t been following this thread, you’ll hear all aspects of the topic in today’s letters. Be sure to read all the way to the end. The last letter contains an idea that could have a big effect on your life.
Here’s what Meridian readers had to say:
Disillusioned, do you have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ? My hope is that you do. If you do, you need to feed it — right away! You’re starving!
Your letter makes it appear as though you know all you need to know. After all, your view of church consists only of “the same talks, the same testimonies, the same everything.” Why, then, do I, a person older than you that attends church faithfully, studies the scriptures very regularly, and studies the best books available, have so much more to learn? How did you get to the “finish line of knowledge” before I did, when I know I’m not even close to the finish line? Maybe we can find out by asking a few simple questions:
- Do you faithfully go out each month and get to know the home teaching families assigned to you?
- Do you study the scriptures daily — really, really study them?
- Do you couple that studying with sincere prayer — morning, night, and any other time needed?
- Do you study the best books available to you?
- Are you faithful in your church calling?
- Are you living all the principles of the gospel to the best of your abilities — including church attendance?
If you were doing all six of these, you’d be a participating, active member of the Church. You would look forward to opportunities to serve those around you. You would crave knowledge of gospel principles, as well as craving consistent inspiration from the Holy Ghost. You would know, delight in, and testify to others the answers you received from prayer. You would help with all those “same talks, same testimonies, same everything” because you would have important items to contribute, attained by your study of key principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. You would enrich your ward and be one of the STP (see column before last) rather than criticize them for not coming to see you when you haven’t been to church in two months.
Disillusioned, you’re in desperate need! Please, follow each of the six steps listed above and I promise you that you’ll start to look forward to going to church each week. You’ll start to hunger and thirst after righteousness. You’ll worry less about whether the home teachers have checked on you when you’re inactive and worry more about what you can do for the families you home teach. You’ll feel better about yourself and become the best person you can be.
President Gordon B. Hinckley told a story about his mission. During one of the times when he was feeling most discouraged, he wrote to his father about his discouragement, wondering whether he was even making a difference. His father wrote him back with these words: “Dear Gordon, I have your letter… I have only one suggestion: Forget yourself and go to work.” Young Gordon Hinckley took those words to heart. He said that he got on his knees and in prayer dedicated himself to the Lord’s work. According to President Hinckley, from the time he did this, his whole world changed. He says the fog was lifted and the sun shone. Why not try it? What can it hurt? Your outlook might change completely.
West Haven, Utah
P.S. About your comment on a 40-year marriage: I’ve been married to the same woman for more than 23 years now, and believe me when I say, our marriage has only grown to be more lovely, more wonderful, more fulfilling over the years — even though we know so much about each other. The “same old things year after year” only occurs when you’re not growing.
What a gerrific way to start today’s column, Abeille! The list was stellar, the story from President Hinckley fit the situation perfectly, and I especially liked the part about marriages getting better and better over time. You have put a lot of good ideas into this letter, and I’m grateful you wrote in.
Sounds like to me that this poor gentleman is not taking responsibility for his own growth. I have attended wards where the instructors were less than enlightening. I started bringing Strong’s Concordance, Thayer’s Greek Lexicon of the New Testament and, when in the Old Testament, I brought Gesenius’ Hebrew/Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament in place of Thayer’s book. This has broadened my understanding of the scriptures tremendously.
Another option is the Neal A Maxwell Institute (Formerly FARMS), where you can purchase a book here and there that helps you to understand scriptures on a deeper level.
Participating in the lessons, and even giving lessons, would greatly expand your understanding of the scriptures. This includes teaching in Primary.
For the record, I’m also single, but that hasn’t stopped me from learning.
Chapster, I imagine that you have very strong arms from lugging those heavy books to church every week, but I also imagine your intellect to be equally prodigious. It takes a little effort to get something out of church. Thanks for telling us how you do it.
I just spent the last number of years in a very large “young” ward, which being an “empty nester” left me feeling on the outskirts of everything. It seemed it didn’t matter which pew I sat in; no one would fill up the pew beside me. Yep, the dinner invitations didn’t roll in, nor did it seem anyone noticed me at all. The brightest spot was being called to teach Primary the last year I was there.
Membership in any church is like life, you ebb and flow as an individual as you so aptly put, one can just become tired. The lack of being able to truly contribute had left me feeling much the same as you described.
I have just moved and have decided not to take the backseat in “waiting” for others to come to me. I plan on making an appointment with the bishop and letting him know I need a calling, a purpose to coming every Sunday instead of waiting months for something to happen.
I suggest you do a self-analysis and make a list of things you can do to improve your lethargy in spiritual things, and other aspects of your life is you are feeling the same about that area. Service is the number one thing on my own list, and that doesn’t have to particularly be in the church setting. Venture out into your community.
We need to reinvent ourselves from time to time. In that regard, you can change direction, develop new interests, take some classes, or join groups that have similar interests as you. Get fired up about life again. If you find you can’t, then maybe there is some depression involved and you may need help to get going again. Time can just slip away so fast, so there is no better time than today to get started on the rest of your life.
Sometimes life is the same whether you go to church or not. However, I do know when I am going and I am attempting to grow in my spiritual knowledge. When I make the effort, the reassurance of God’s love for me is more keenly felt and I am able to persevere much better.
I wish you a feeling of renewal of God’s love for you and a fresh perspective that gets you out the door on a Sunday as you read some of the replies that will be coming your way. You are never alone, but sometimes you have to take the initiative. Every day brings the opportunity for something new and exciting. Just keep yourself open.
Pressing Forward in Texas
Thanks for some great advice, Pressing. I think it’s crucial that people who feel left out take the initiative and carve a place for themselves in their ward setting.
When Clark and I found ourselves unable to have children, we realized we were outsiders in a family-oriented church, and we knew that we might have to carve out places for us in our ward with a virtual machete. After nearly 35 years of marriage I can tell you it can be done. Even if you’re on the fringes, you can do things that make you invaluable in your ward. There are always enough needs in any ward that if you make the effort to fill them, you will soon become a strong thread in the fabric of your church community.
We all get in ruts once in a while. When that happens, especially at church, or with my own spirituality, I look around and ask, “What can I do to help?” or “Where am I needed?”
There are so many people that can use a little help, such as a family with lots of small children that can use another set of hands, an elderly person who needs help getting in and out. Maybe you can offer a little help with the Cub Scouts or Primary.
When I start to think about that, and then to act, I don’t have time to worry about being bored. Before long, I am back on track and making friends too. It’s not about me; it’s about what I can do make life easier for those around me.
Helping Hands
Thanks for your letter, Helping. You reinforced the comments in the last letter that said we must all take the initiative in finding places for ourselves in our home wards. Thanks for the advice.
I totally understand “Disillusioned in Georgia’s” position and sometimes find myself fighting the same thoughts. It isn’t easy being different from everyone else.
I too attend church solo because my Prince Charming’s one armor chink is that he is not a member of the Church. I grew up in Utah, so having a non-member spouse is culturally as well as spiritually different. Luckily, my husband supports me and urges me to go to church.
I have also found that having a Sunday calling helps. After several months in a non-Sunday calling, I went to the bishop and explained that I needed the responsibility and accountability of a Sunday calling. It took several more months but it finally happened. I suggest if “Georgia” wants to get more out of church, he needs to put more in and maybe asking for a Sunday calling will be the ticket. As for the same talks on the same subjects, please remember that each and every talk is for someone and maybe that day it just wasn’t you. I have to remind myself of that more times than do I walk out of the meeting thinking it was exactly what I was waiting to hear.
As for no one noticing after only a month of attendance, that is truly too bad but it takes a while for a new ward to become family. I have been in my current ward for 13 years, but it took almost three before I felt like I belonged.
Nazdak’s Mom
Thanks for your comments, Mom. I, too, had a long adjustment period before I felt at home in my new ward. That was nearly 24 years ago, and now I realize that I am in the best ward in the world for me.
One of our regular correspondents who is in the process of moving recently wrote to me that whenever she moves, she knows ahead of time that it will take a year before she feels as though she belongs wherever she has moved. A lot of times we expect things to fall into place immediately, without allowing time for the adjustment. I think we can shorten that time by completely immersing ourselves into our new environment, as so many readers have recommended on this thread.
I have done the spiritual rut my self from time to time. I can see some family members in the spiritual rut right now, or at least that is how I see their inactivity.
I can repeat all the standard lines when you don’t want to go to church, that is the time you need to go to church. Others include, we go to church to support other members of the church; it is a commandment to go to sacrament meeting; we learn the truths in Sunday school; the auxiliary meetings teach us the principles to be able to return to our Heavenly Father.
I have been trying to form a good argument to help my loved ones be more active, but most of the time I just want to look them in the eye and say this church is better than anything else in life.
I am trying to encourage family members to attend church. I do not know what to say to others to make them want to be at church.
I found my comfort spot in my church membership about 15 years ago, when I had time to work on family research. I can have a scholarly outlet, focusing on solving problems that can and should be solved by finding relatives. Research was a big stress-buster; we buried our first child, money was tight, feelings of inadequacy overwhelmed me from being unmarried for along time and part of a childless couple and all the family baggage that needs to be dealt with in order to move along with your life. Family research gave me success and spiritual experiences to increase my spiritual life.
I became educated in family research, and as I helped others to do family research the spiritual lifts carried me through my life’s changes. In addition, this talent is carrying me along still in Church.
We took on reading The Book of Mormon as a family. As I read (it has been 40 years since I read The Book of Mormon cover to cover), I have learned I did not know and understand the scriptures as well as I thought I understood the principles of the gospel. Every day I am amazed as I read the scriptures. I have not advanced to really studying The Book of Mormon, but now I find a great lift from reading and learning. I studied the scriptures in Sunday school in very basic way that our lessons are presented. Reading The Book of Mormon can renew our spirits.
For myself I have to make myself go to church some weeks. I cannot let the fact no one talked to me, or even cared I was at church, the reason I do not go to church or I am not made to feel welcomed at church. It is nice when members make me feel welcome and have everyone is fellowshipping selflessly. The ideal ward would have caring big heart to nurture everyone, and all would be equal in every aspect. We are in charge of our own lives. We get the benefits of spiritual growth or the responsibility of no growth. Since when do we get to pick what we want to do? Oh, I forgot — we do get to pick what we want to do. We do not get to pick the consequences for our actions.
That might mean we have to listen to talks and hear prayers that and get a great blessing for sitting through the meeting. I guess I could try and find every talk interesting and every prayer uplifting if I wanted to, but then I might feel connected to the members of my ward. We moved in to this ward in October. At first glance everyone looked identical, happy, having perfect lives, all Republican with testimonies that flowed through generations of church membership. I can now see my ward with new converts. Some have mates serving in the Middle East. One man had a prosthetic arm. Families have handicapped children and divorce, and some have been forced to move out of their homes. All those people who do not talk to us at church might have problems or are at church for the first time.
I can find a lot of fault in everything at church and take everything that is said to me the wrong way. I have done this but it is not fair to me or my ward because that is not going to do me any good or anyone else.
Back to the person who feels like he is in a spiritual rut — you need to do service so you do not feel left out and not part of your ward. Choose service that will not overpower your life and take your free time completely. “Disillusioned” can even serve nonmembers and see how good his life is or how good it might be come. The only way to feel part of a ward is to be part of a ward by doing something that might help in some way. Some self-fulfilment will come from being useful, and spiritual growth can come when we serve others.
Service does not have to be a hardship. If it isn’t a problem to give someone a ride to church, this service can greatly benefit others. It may not give the doer a spiritual lift, but it points him in the right direction. Service can be easy or difficult, but we can gain understanding and growth by serving others. I pray that I can keep this attitude. We dig our own ruts. We all need a serious attitude adjustment.
Mary Ellen Gilbert
Mary Ellen, I really liked what you said about digging our own ruts. In one way or another, that is true for all of us.
Everyone gets fed up and tired at some point. It’s time to shake things up a bit. Have you done your own home teaching? Why not organise an informal activity or offer to give a talk. Bear your testimony positively next Fast Sunday. Join the choir. Pray, read your scriptures and serve others in a way that feels comfortable for you, and one day you will get the spark back.
United Kingdom
You are aptly named, Vim. Your brief note gave a solution for solving the problem of boredom. If we’re up to our eyebrows in activity and service, there’s no time to be apathetic.
Having been baptized as a teen, I have been a member for 42 years. Excluding the two months of voluntarily not attending church, this letter could have been written by me. I experience all the same feelings as Disillusioned. When attending my previous ward, I notified my bishop that I had been diagnosed with a serious illness and would need to be released from my calling because I knew the treatment would impair me and I would not be able to fulfill that weekly calling. I have been divorced most of my adult life, have to work to provide for myself, and have grown children who do not live at home. During the three months I was unable to attend church, not one person called or came by to check on me.
I have a widowed friend who lives in a different ward who was left financially independent and has grown children. She cannot miss any meeting or church activity without at least three or four members calling to check on her. Is the difference because I am divorced and have chosen to remain single for the past 23 years rather than being widowed, or possibly due to different wards (although I have experienced the same environment in two different wards)? I do not know, but she and I have discussed the disparity numerous times.
I am sure many of your responders will remind readers that it is not that you get from church, but what you bring to it. Before these responses become too numerous, let me explain that I hold two church callings, I am one of the first to volunteer for compassionate service needs, complete my visiting teaching each month, and provide food for potlucks, youth and missionary zone conferences, and other needs. I hold a temple recommend, and I never refuse a calling or a request to give a talk or to substitute teach. I have provided transportation when others have needed help.
Fortunately, one of my callings came with the expectation and my commitment to be in attendance and prepared each Sunday. Even still, I frequently have to remind myself that it is important to be obedient and attend church each week. I have, however, left church immediately after Sunday School class, not being able to sit through one more meeting. I have a testimony of the gospel and want to do well, and I am committed to being a good example for my children and grandchildren. But going to church is very difficult for me.
Thanks for your comments, Honest. It’s obvious that you are doing everything right as far as throwing yourself into ward activities and callings. It’s unfortunate that you still feel lonely.
As your letter pointed out, different wards have different personalities. It seems that the people in your ward are so busy with their own problems that they fail to notice when one member of the flock is absent for a week. You may want to appoint yourself to be a committee of one who writes to or calls people who are absent. It may not make you feel more included, but you can certainly give to others what nobody is giving to you.
I have just two things to say: The meetings may be similar, but each one is different if we invest ourselves in what is being said. We must be involved: praying for the speaker, asking that the Holy Ghost will inspire her, but also to look for ways to apply what is being said in our own lives.
However, the most important reason for attending sacrament meeting is not who is speaking or what is being said, but the covenant of the sacrament. We cannot continue upwards in our spiritual growth if we do not partake worthily of those sacred emblems weekly.
OK, I lied. I have one more comment: No 40-year marriage is like any other; my wife and I have been married for 58 years, and each year is different and more exciting than the last. Nothing is the same!
A Retired Utah Family Doc
Thanks for your two-plus pieces of advice, Doc. It was good to be reminded of the reason why we’re supposed to be in sacrament meeting. I also appreciated what you had to say about marriage. Clark and I will have been married for 35 years this November, and it gets better every day.
I have trouble with getting bored — not just in church, but in school and lots of other places. In my day they did not diagnose ADD, but I totally fit the description. In college I learned that if I knitted in class I could give my full attention to lectures without my mind jumping around, and I do far better in church when I remember to bring knitting. It helps me focus.
Just the other day my husband confessed that when we got married 23 years ago he thought that when I was knitting I was being rude and did not hear what he was saying, but he found that the opposite was true. When I was doing nothing and he was talking, my mind would jump somewhere else, and when I was knitting I heard ever world and responded appropriately. I am sure you will have dozens of readers who are shocked, shocked that I knit in church; maybe now they will understand why people knit, or draw, or do other things during lectures. I would recommend that this brother give some kind of activity during church a try.
I go to my meetings for the blessings. When I don’t go, regardless of the content, my life goes downhill. When I attend everything goes better. In addition I don’t always want to go, but it is an issue of commitment.
Happy in Church
You make an excellent point, Happy. I know that when Clark and I have projects to do during general conference, we really enjoy the talks. When we finish our projects and don’t have anything for our hands to do, we tend to fall asleep. Working on mindless projects really can help you focus your attention.
As for people who judge those who knit, your letter reminded me of something that happened to me, back in the Dark Ages. I used to do needlepoint as a mindless activity when I was listening to talks. The night of the first-ever women’s broadcast, I took some needlepoint with me and sat in the chapel sewing during the prelude music. I happened to sit behind our Relief Society president and her adult daughter, and the Relief Society president read me the riot act for daring to do needlepoint in the chapel.
I put my needlework away, deeply humiliated for my faux pas. Imagine my surprise when, during the meeting, the Relief Society president’s adult daughter pulled out her fingernail clipper and proceeded to give herself a thorough fingernail treatment. I sat there, waiting futilely for the Relief Society president to tell her daughter to put her fingernail clipper away. It didn’t happen. You know how loud the sound a fingernail clipper can make in a quiet room — it was clip, CLIP, CLIP! Finally a fingernail clipping flew over the daughter’s head and hit me in the face. At that point, I pulled out my canvas and vented my frustration in needlepoint.
I found myself in a rut a couple of years ago with meeting attendance, as well. Sunday wasn’t a day of rest; it was just one more busy day of the week. I didn’t look forward to the grind of weekday and Sunday meetings at all. I wanted to worship. I wanted to go down the road to the Baptist church and sing and shout “Hallelujah! Christ is risen! We have a savior!” Instead, Sunday “worship” left me feeling bad about all of my shortcomings — not enough food storage, not doing enough genealogy, not getting to the temple enough. I had tremendous guilt about how I felt because I was in the stake Relief Society.
During this little crisis in my life, I went home to visit my mother in the rural Idaho town where I grew up. The ward building was being renovated, so for several weeks they were holding sacrament meeting in a couple of homes. We met in a beautiful log home up in the mountains.There were only a dozen or so people. The sacrament was passed and two brief talks were given, then we went home. As the sacrament was being passed, it was very quiet. The window was open and I could smell pine trees and wet soil in the breeze — smells that took me back to my childhood. A lone wind chime and a blackbird were the only sounds. In that moment, I had a feeling come over me that this is what it’s all about — to meet and take the sacrament, and to be still and know that he is God. I thought about how the Church started this way, just a few people meeting in a log house to take the sacrament and worship together.
It was the shot in the arm that I needed. I consider that day a tender mercy from the Lord. He helped me remember that sacrament meeting is what I make of it. If I mentally prepare myself to focus on the sacrament and Christ, I feel the “worship” I was missing before, rather than feeling beaten up by the talks, or distracted by the goings-on in the ward. I don’t know if this helps, or even makes sense, but I know if we seek him, we’ll find him. Even in the busiest of wards.
Thanks for reminding us, JT, that there can be a boatload of difference between going to church and worshipping. So often we get so caught up in the mechanics of making a ward run that we forget why we go to church in the first place. Your letter pointed out the difference.
Here’s my advice for “Disillusioned in Georgia.” Pray and ask and then hang on for the ride because you will be provided an answer and it will be the most astounding learning experience ever. Don’t know what it will be, and it will be individually tailored to you.
Debrah Roundy
Rupert 5th Ward,
Rupert, Idaho
Boy, Debrah, truer words were never spoken! I got a priesthood blessing last month, and it reminded me that a person should never ask for God’s opinion unless she’s ready to hear the answer. Sometimes those answers are life-changing.
Of course church meetings are boring. They are just the briefing and debriefing sessions for the real excitement that happens the other six days of the week.
Are you praying to find/notice someone who needs your help or an introduction to the Church? You don’t have to have a job in the ward to be anxiously engaged in His work. The principle is, unless you are reaching out to others, you won’t feel any love from heaven. Like electricity, it won’t flow into something (someone) it can’t flow through and out of.
Even if you’re married, every day is the same — unless you go out of your way to surprise/please that other person once in a while. You get out of life and religion what you put into it, married or not.
Sounds like your whole life is boring. Have you tried out all the things you wanted to do and be when you were a kid? I wanted to be an architect and have spent many happy hours drawing house plans and designing exteriors. I also taught myself to do pastel portraits and build websites (from a book). And I’ve always wanted to be a genealogist and play the guitar. Take a class, take a risk, meet new people, give yourself lots of time to learn a new skill. That’s what the Church is about, too — learning to be like our Savior.
You’re right, Fascinated. Life is a roller coaster, but you can’t experience it if you’re standing on the ground. Buckle up and allow yourself to go on the ride.
When I read the subject title, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Bored at church? How in the world could you be bored at a church meeting? Well, except for the stake meetings where you might be learning about clerk stuff and the teacher really has nothing new to say, and you have traveled for hours to get there. But even at that, you can always contribute to the class and also ask questions.
When we attend sacrament meeting, the most important reason is to take the sacrament and renew our covenants with heavenly Father. Everything else is icing on the cake. Do we get bored with Heavenly Father, or his prophets repeating the same thing over and over again? Of course not, perhaps there is still much to learn, and that’s why we hear the “‘same things over and over again”?
I am so grateful to be able to even attend church, and I would think that we need to look at our own attitudes if we get bored at a church meeting. If anyone gets bored at church, I would challenge him to get down on his knees and ask heavenly Father to help him see the deeper meaning behind what is being discussed, or how he can contribute to lesson.
Jenny, I’m sure a lot of us were amused by the possible exception of the “stake meetings where you might be learning about clerk stuff and the teacher really has nothing new to say, and you have traveled for hours to get there.” We’ve all been in that meeting! Thanks for writing.
Your quote for the day in your last column was as follows: “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” That is the advice I would give “Disillusioned in Georgia.”
Unfortunately, when I find I am getting lax or bored in my worship, it is usually followed by a massive “trial.” When I get bored with my calling, a new calling is issued. Service in the ward helps to keep you busy, and service is helping God answer others prayers. My husband mows lawns and removes snow for three neighbors that are widows and divorcees. He is at their beck and call if they need a light bulb changed or any other small job. He is not their home teacher, but knows that they need the help.
I teach young mothers how to sew, sing in the choir, and fulfill my “calling” in the Primary, teaching children. My husband and I started a theater group in our ward. We attend a local theater to watch plays. There are two couples and many single sisters involved. Find a hobby that you would like to share. I’ll bet there are people in your ward or neighborhood that could use your experience.
As for the same talks over and over — have you perfected any of the subjects you’re hearing time and time again? I have not and need the gentle reminders over and over that I have faults that I need to work on. Sometimes the talks pertain to me; sometimes they do not. I take notes, and if I hear a part of the talk is aimed at me, I am sure to write it down and work on that principle during the coming week.
As for Sunday School lessons, this year in our ward the lessons are not about one of the books of scriptures, but about basic doctrine that you should have learned when you joined the Church. Although the information is the same as I used to teach, I still find some point in the lesson (I taught from a different perspective) that I hadn’t heard before. When we study books of scripture, I purchase a book from Deseret Book, written by a General Authority, on the subject. They will generally go into more depth than the lesson on the topic we are studying for the week. This helps me clear up questions I have and it helps me understand better what we are studying. For instance, when we studied the New Testament, I purchased a book that taught me about how the people lived in the time of Jesus. This helped me understand the parables much better.
In my opinion, church is not there to teach you as much as you are to learn from other there. Use your curiosity and learn more than you did the last time you heard the same subject in a talk. Use your curiosity to look into the subjects deeper.
As for “single” status, our ward has 50% of the sisters married and the other 50% single. We love our single sisters and brothers as much, if not more, than we do those who are married. Those who are single need friendship more than ever.
Converted 38 Years Ago
Thanks for your letter, Converted. I was especially struck by your observation that whenever we start to get bored, we’re headed for a trial of some sort that shakes us out of our complacency. I know that’s true for me!
It is true that we hear the same messages over and over at church. The first principles of the gospel remain faith in Christ, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. The tutoring process is how to liken those principles to ourselves, as Nephi said, and how to endure (read serve, grow, enlarge — not just hang on grimly) to the end.
In a talk as a fairly new apostle Henry B. Eyring said:
In our own time, we have been warned with counsel of where to find safety from sin and from sorrow. One of the keys to recognizing those warnings is that they are repeated. For instance, more than once in these general conferences, you have heard our prophet say that he would quote a preceding prophet and would therefore be a second witness and sometimes even a third.
Each of us who has listened has heard President Kimball give counsel on the importance of a mother in the home and then heard President Benson quote him, and we have heard President Hinckley quote them both.
The Apostle Paul wrote that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Cor. 13:1). One of the ways we may know that the warning is from the Lord is that the law of witnesses, authorized witnesses, has been invoked. When the words of prophets seem repetitive, that should rivet our attention and fill our hearts with gratitude to live in such a blessed time. (“Finding Safety in Counsel”)
I would characterize Brother Eyring’s counsel as this: Truth bears repeating.
A couple of years ago, I confided to another sister that I was kind of running on empty, and didn’t feel I was where I wanted to be — where I knew I should be, spiritually. She told me that when she was in the same straits, she would commit to a “tithe” of her time for a designated period, usually a week, though sometimes longer. She offered to join me in that, and we could share with each other how the week went. The ground rules were that 30 minutes a day had to be scripture reading/study; the rest could be anything spiritually based, but she hoped that getting to the temple at least once would be part of the effort. Work on your genealogy, read the Ensign, and do other spiritual activities. I listened to an audio book of Harold B. Lee’s experiences as I drove to work, I read lots of back issues of the Ensign, and prayed with renewed humility and focus. I determined that I was committed to 90 minutes every day (no coming short and making it up the next day), and I was blessed and much revived by the end of the week.
The key in any case is a half hour with the scriptures every day. We all hear prayer and scripture study because it is the clearest way. It is always counseled because it is always true. It gives us the opportunity for the Spirit to prick our heart and prompt us to let the Lord’s light into us. He asks “a broken heart and a contrite spirit” of us — what does he want us to break? Our pride, and our apathy. His mending is not just gluing us back together, but making us not only whole but swelling all our capacities in joy.
MJS in Washington
Your counsel to tithe our time was purely inspired, MJS. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us about it. I imagine that many readers will try this experiment for themselves and their families. You’ve made a great difference in a lot of lives.
Okay, people, this subject is now closed. We’ll be starting a new topic next week — one that comes to us from Great Britain. Look for it next Monday.
Until next time — Kathy
“Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other.”
Arthur Schopenhauer