The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic continue to reopen worldwide in a four-phase plan, with eight going to the initial Phase 1 effective Aug. 24 and 19 others being upgraded to Phase 2 on the same date.

The 19 Phase 2 reopenings in today’s announcement include 14 temples in central and western United States and Canada — three each in the states of Utah and Idaho and the province of Alberta — as well as two in Africa, two on South Pacific islands and one in Europe. Phase 2 allows for the performance of all temple ordinances for living individuals.

Also, the eight Phase 1 reopenings — for limited living husband-and-wife sealings — are eight temples in Latin America, where lengthy pandemic-related closures have continued. They include four temples in Mexico, two in Guatemala, one in Chile and the last of Brazil’s seven temples to reopen in Phase 1.

The 19 temples to begin Phase 2 operations on Aug. 24 are:

  • Aba Nigeria Temple
  • Accra Ghana Temple
  • Apia Samoa Temple
  • Calgary Alberta Temple
  • Cardston Alberta Temple
  • Draper Utah Temple
  • Edmonton Alberta Temple
  • Idaho Falls Idaho Temple
  • Jordan River Utah Temple
  • Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple
  • Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple
  • Nuku’alofa Tonga Temple
  • Paris France Temple
  • Regina Saskatchewan Temple
  • Reno Nevada Temple
  • Rexburg Idaho Temple
  • Star Valley Wyoming Temple
  • Twin Falls Idaho Temple
  • Vancouver British Columbia Temple

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.