To following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

“The true gift of prayer is knowing we are not alone when the world literally brings us to our knees,” said Sister Bonnie H. CordonYoung Women general president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Sister Cordon spoke during a devotional at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, Tuesday morning, February 4, 2020.

“As part of this mortal experience, we each long to feel loved,” explained the general officer of the Church to thousands of students and faculty gathered in the Marriott Center.

Sister Cordon continued, “We yearn for connection — both to Heavenly Father and to each other. We have gone to great lengths over centuries and decades to connect; countless tools have been invented, all with the hope of easing our loneliness and feeling support and love from one another.”

“Who is our steadfast guide and stay as we face the challenges of life?” she asked.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.