The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
“What a great blessing it is for me to be here in Portugal — a country I love so much, filled with wonderful people, people of faith, and people who have Christ in their hearts.”
Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Rosana, have concluded a 12-day ministry in Western Europe with a visit to Portugal.
CASA Service Project
Elder Soares and Elder Scott D. Whiting, Europe North Area President, traveled to Setúbal, to Centro de Apoio ao Sem Abrigo (CASA), a food bank, where volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ have been volunteering for many years to provide hot meals for homeless individuals.
They joined in by cutting potatoes and sausage as well as prepping other foods to be cooked. Elder Soares said he was very grateful for the “members who volunteered to go there every week to donate their time and their love to help other people and feed them that very delicious food.”
“[Our Church] provides 40 members a week who will go and volunteer time … and prepare food for over 1,600 homeless people a month. This is a great project, isn’t it?” said Elder Whiting.
Susana Marques, coordinator for CASA, also expressed gratitude to Elder Soares because there was a time CASA was facing closure, but the Church made a financial donation to prevent that from occurring.
“We are sure that without the Church’s help, this work would be much harder to sustain,” she said.
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.