The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full report, CLICK HERE.
On President Russell M. Nelson’s social media accounts, President Nelson and Sister Wendy W. Nelson share their feelings of reverence and gratitude for the holy sacrament. They describe their personal experience in partaking of the sacrament in their home during the COVID-19 pandemic and give advice to those who desire to partake of the sacrament but have not been able to do so.
Here is what he said:

The other day a family friend asked my wife, Wendy, what it has been like to have the sacrament in our home. Wendy wrote the following in response:
“Knowing that our dining table will become the sacrament table on Sunday, both of us take special care on Saturday to make sure our home is clean and tidy. My husband finds such JOY as he folds the laundry and vacuums. And I am happy to find joy in his joy!
“The highlight for me is hearing my husband bless the sacrament. I can feel how much he loves the Lord and how grateful he is for the Savior’s Atonement by how tenderly he pronounces each word. I can feel how sincere he is about the privilege he and I have—in that sacred moment right in our home—to renew our baptismal covenants and to make a new covenant with God about how we will live the next week. I am moved to tears every time.”
Wendy and I have loved these special times together, but we have also missed partaking of the sacrament with the Saints. Just days ago, the First Presidency announced plans to authorize the resumption of our Sabbath meetings in a careful, phased manner. Sacrament meetings will slowly begin to be held, based on local restrictions.
Some nations have escaped the pandemic so far. Others are experiencing a continuing increase. For them, a home-based Sabbath will be needed much longer. And I am especially concerned for those who desire to partake of the sacrament but do not have a worthy priesthood bearer in their home. They should let their bishop know that they would like to have his delegated representatives come to their home to administer the sacrament. If they wish to provide their own bread and water, based on their specific needs, they may do so.
Partaking of the sacrament is a sacred and sanctifying privilege. Doing so makes it possible for us to draw more fully upon the Lord’s power. We wish for all who desire to partake of the sacrament to have that opportunity.
I love you, my dear brothers and sisters, and I assure you that the Lord is watching over each of you.