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The following is excerpted from the Deseret News. To read the full article, click here.
Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints responded Sunday afternoon to a man who has launched a hunger strike to protest church policies regarding interviews with children and youth.
Sam Young, a former LDS bishop from Houston, stopped eating Friday at 7 p.m. On Sunday morning at 9, he announced his hunger strike. He said his goal was for the church to stop one-on-one bishop’s interviews with children and youth and to end the use of what he described as sexually explicit questions during those interviews.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released this statement on Sunday afternoon:
“Children and youth are precious. We share a desire to protect them, to help them grow and develop faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ and to live good and moral lives. This includes building good relationships with ecclesiastical and youth leaders who can provide support in many settings including personal interviews.
“In recent months, the church has taken important steps to improve these interactions and to strengthen the relationships between young people and their parents and leaders, and will continue to do so.
“Church leaders at every level — from Sam’s local bishop and stake president to a recent conversation with a general authority — have met with him to express love, to listen and to counsel with him. They have received and reviewed his materials and understand clearly his viewpoint. Further meetings with him are not necessary to clarify his position on this matter.
“The church will continue to look for ways to guide, inspire and nurture young people by strengthening homes, providing positive role models and offering activities and learning opportunities that build character and deepen faith in Jesus Christ.”
To read the full article, click here.
Leroy HaleJuly 30, 2018
Why not have the RS present in a non involved individual role. This would be especial help for young sisters.
Ed HofferJuly 30, 2018
I don't necessarily agree with this Brothers method but I can feel for what he is trying to accomplish. Well the problems he is portraying do happen they are not as flamboyant as in other faiths. in a way I believe the solution is far simpler than a hunger strike, in most cases if the interviewee is of the same gender as the bishop for example young man there generally is no problem. But to allay any problems the Bishop ask the head of the household who would they like to be at the interview as an impartial Observer. The youth also could be asked about who they would like as an observer but hopefully the parents can override that decision if it is a crank decision I pray there's a time when these problems no longer torment any religion, especially ours.