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President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints brought glad tidings Tuesday night to hundreds of gathered Church members at the Premier Centre Sen Sok in Phnom Penh. He unveiled an artist’s rendering of what will become one of the Church’s most sacred worship spaces — the Phnom Penh Temple.

“Isn’t that beautiful?” the prophet said as the image of the coming temple displayed on a large screen in the auditorium. “We don’t know when the temple will be completed. But I do know this, difficult as it is to build a temple, it is even more difficult to build a people ready for the temple. Preparation of the temple includes members of your family. Your preparation of yourself will bless the members of your family.”

An important part of that preparation, President Nelson said, is understanding the temple recommend interview questions that each Latter-day Saint must answer prior to entering a house of the Lord.

“Your answers to those questions are very sacred and confidential. Our helpers and you will work on your preparation so that you may become worthy to receive all the blessings of the holy temple,” President Nelson said during his speech that was transmitted to all congregations in Cambodia. “I promise that as you become worthy of the temple recommend, miracles will happen in your life.”

To read the full report in the Church Newsroom, CLICK HERE.