The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
Church leaders in Brazil held a small groundbreaking ceremony for the Brasília Brazil Temple on Saturday, September 26, 2020. Attendance at the event was limited because of current COVID-19 social guidelines.

“Make the temple the center of our worship. A place to be taught, comforted, invested with power from above,” said Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella, Brazil Area President, who presided over the event and offered the dedicatory prayer.
Elder Parrella encouraged Latter-day Saints to use technology to share God’s teachings with people around them.
“Share the gospel in a normal and natural way, including using social media that gives us access to friends, acquaintances and with those we meet. Invite everyone to know more about Jesus Christ,” he said.
Elder Parrella was joined by Elder Joaquin E. Costa and Elder Joni L. Koch of the Brazil Area Presidency, as well as Damares Alves, Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights in Brazil.
“We had temples in ancient times, we have temples today. We had prophets and apostles, we have prophets and apostles today,” said Elder Costa.
Church President Thomas S. Monson announced plans to construct the Brasília Brazil Temple in April 2017.
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.