The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

Each time 2014 Olympic silver medalist Noelle Pikus-Pace barrelled down the ice flat on her stomach on a tiny skeleton sled at 90 miles an hour, she made subtle changes in direction or steering and was always looking ahead at where she wanted to go.

“Where you look is where you go,” she told Sister Neill F. Marriott, a member of the Young Women general presidency from 2013-2018.

Sister Marriott shared that experience during a devotional address to Brigham Young University students in Provo, Utah, on Tuesday, May 3:

“Truly, Sister Pace is right, where we look is where we go — so in our daily plans, actions, and conversations, let’s look to the Savior, connecting to the source of our strength and happiness,” said Sister Marriott. 

“Where do you want to end up?  Ultimately, we want to go home, to our glorious celestial home with our heavenly parents,” she said.  “And the Savior is the only way back to their presence.” 

This is done through a consistent focus on Him, acting on His strength and doing things His way.

“We choose the direction of our thoughts and actions,” taught Sister Marriott. “We choose where we turn for help.  It takes mental effort to look to Christ, when other places offer quicker answers. The more we look to Him, remember Him and learn of Him in the scriptures, the more we will trust Him, and go, in His name, to Heavenly Father for direction.” 

Lessons from the pool, the race and the rapids

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.