The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the Cobán Guatemala Temple — the  Church of Jesus Christ’s third house of the Lord in Guatemala — on Sunday, June 9, and invited Latter-day Saints to “dedicate your heart to God.”

As the Apostle was preparing for the dedication, he learned of a standard greeting in Q’eqchi’ (also spelled K’ekchi’), a Mayan language spoken in the remote highlands of Guatemala. The greeting, “Ma sa laa ch’ oo,” means “How is your heart?”

The greeting may also be applied to those who worship in the house of the Lord, he explained, where the purpose of temple ordinances and their associated covenants is to change hearts “from who we are to who we need to become.”

“On this day of temple dedication, a great question for all of us to ask ourselves is, ‘How is my heart?’ If we let Him, God can and will change our hearts,” said Elder Renlund. “Once our hearts are changed, we need to periodically assess our heart. When we are greeted with Ma sa laa ch’ ool, we should be prompted to ask ourselves, ‘How is my heart?’

“My invitation on this day of temple dedication is that you assess your own heart and change what needs changing. Dedicate your heart to God. … When God asks you, ‘How is your heart?’ you will be able to answer, ‘All is well.’ Sa’ in ch’ ool. B’ an tiox. There is contentment in my heart.”

“Over many years, you have prayed to have a temple here,” he said. “God has heard those prayers. You have made the construction of this temple possible because of your faith and faithfulness. Thank you for your goodness.”

To read the full article, CLICK HERE