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The First Vision is the most significant event since the Resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ.  And this upcoming year—2020—is one of the most exciting in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ as 2020 marks 200 years—the Bicentennial—since the First Vision.

A Number of Celebrations

But the year 2020 is also the beginning of 27 years of exciting bicentennials, including not only The First Vision, but in 2023—the first visits of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith; in 2027—the receiving of the gold plates—in 2029: the restoration of the priesthoods; in 2030: the coming forth of The Book of Mormon and the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ; in 2033: the organization of the first presidency; in 2036: a celebration of the return of temples to the earth; in 2047 the bicentennial of the arrival of the pioneers in the Great Salt Lake Valley. The list goes on and on! It is so thrilling to commemorate these glorious events!

To help keep this in your homes and hearts, I have created a beautiful 2020 calendar celebrating the First Vision.  Each month has a wonderful quote from the Prophet Joseph Smith and a picture significant to his life.

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is not that far off (need I say only 96 days?) and now is the time to get this meaningful and inexpensive present for your family members, your ministering sisters and brothers, your ministering families and your friends.  This will keep the First Vision and this Bicentennial year up front and personal all year long.

Dates on the calendar include the normal national holidays that you would see on any calendar and those birthdates significant to Joseph Smith’s family—his marriage to Emma, his parents’ marriage, all his siblings birthdates.  This will be a great way to become more familiar with the Smith family there in your own home or office.

You can pre-order the calendar here, and you will want to do it soon as there will be limited quantities. 

An Inspiration all Year

This calendar will be a constant reminder all year of one of the most significant events in all of history—an event in the early spring of 1820 that would change the history of the entire world. This visit of Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son Jesus Christ to the boy Joseph Smith was the opening of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.

This stunning Bicentennial Calendar celebrates The First Vision with gorgeous photographs each month and with quotes to remind you of Joseph. Joseph said: “I calculate to be one of the instruments of setting up the kingdom of Daniel by the word of the Lord, and I intend to lay a foundation that will revolutionize the whole world.”  That is the quote I used for August.  Here’s the one for October:  “Never be discouraged. If I were sunk in the lowest pits of Nova Scotia, with the Rocky Mountains piled on me, I would hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I would come out on top.”  These photos and quotes will inspire you all year long.

The Price

This First Vision calendar, pre-order priced at just $15, is a perfect gift for family members, for teens, tweens and primary-aged children, for ministering sisters and brothers, for ministering families, for bishopric members, for neighbors, relatives and friends. If you purchase more than 10 calendars the shipping and handling (within the United States) are free!


Background as a Photographer and Researcher

Editor’s Note:  Photographer, author, and researcher Scot Facer Proctor has made Joseph Smith and the Restoration a focus of his studies for more than 40 years. His book Witness of the Light, A Photographic Journey in the Footsteps of the American Prophet Joseph Smith was a National Geographic-style book that graced the homes of the Latter-day Saints for a generation. His wife, Maurine, and he brought forth a Revised and Enhanced edition of Joseph Smith’s history more than 20 years ago. Scot’s Church History photography was featured in a 13-month-long display in the Church History Museum in Salt Lake City and was seen by hundreds of thousands of visitors. He also published a children’s book on The First Vision, A Day Like No Other, simultaneously in 11 languages. His acclaimed Witness of the Light fireside has been seen by untold thousands in scores of stakes across North America. He and Maurine also produced a 2-hour documentary on Joseph Smith and the Restoration. Scot and Maurine have been leading extensive Church History tours for the past 28 years.

Order the First Vision Bicentennial Calendar here.

Scot plans to offer a stunning calendar each year for the next 27 years to celebrate these remarkable milestones.

Please note: This is a pre-order and will guarantee your receiving your calendars from our limited quantities. Calendars will be shipped to you within 8-10 weeks.