The following is excerpted from MyLifebyGoGoGoff. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

Cover image via LDS Media Library. 

When I got home from my mission everyone wanted to help me ‘adjust’ back to the ‘real world.’ I got so much advice on how and what I should be doing, but looking back on most of the advice I got — I really wish I had ignored it. What I wish someone had told me are these five things.

1st. Don’t Stop Sharing The Gospel.

Almost everyone told me that I needed to make sure I “came home” from my mission. They warned me against wanting to live in the mission still. My first Sunday back I noticed a man in gospel doctrine with his missionary name tags still on his scriptures. I thought to myself “Ahhh a man who never came home, I don’t want to be like him.” Then he made a comment on a comment and it had such a force that I realized I actually did want to be like him.

The man? Zac Huish. He was the Bishop of my family ward when I got off my mission. He encouraged me to go to the YSA ward, and shortly after I started going he was released as the homeward Bishop and called as the Bishop of the YSA ward! As I watched this man share the gospel, live the gospel, serve in the church, and have an amazing family, I realized, I wanted to be like him. He was a true disciple and everyday missionary.

“Returned missionaries, find your old missionary tag. Don’t wear it, but put it where you can see it. The Lord needs you now more than ever to be an instrument in His hands.”
Neil L. Andersen

2nd. It Is Normal To Miss Your Mission.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.