The status of two temples was recently updated with information released in the Church Newsroom. Here are excerpts from those reports:
Site Announced for Temple To Be Built in Las Vegas, Nevada
The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced the location of the Lone Mountain Nevada Temple.
The Lone Mountain Nevada Temple will be built on a 19.8-acre site located southwest of Hickman Avenue between North Grand Canyon Drive and Tee Pee Lane in Las Vegas, Nevada. Plans call for a three-story temple of approximately 87,000 square feet. This will be the city’s second temple. The Las Vegas Nevada Temple has been in operation since December 1989.
Church President Russell M. Nelson announced the Lone Mountain Nevada Temple in October 2022. The other two temples in Nevada are the Reno Nevada Temple and the Elko Nevada Temple, which is currently under construction.
To read the full report, CLICK HERE.
Ground Broken for the Torreón Mexico Temple
Ground was broken in Durango, Mexico on Saturday, December 10, for the Torreón Mexico Temple. Elder Hugo Montoya, president of the Mexico Area, presided over the groundbreaking ceremony.
The event was attended by representatives of municipal, local and state governments; special guests, such as the organization Mujeres Salvando Mujeres; members of the media and Latter-day Saints.
In his dedicatory remarks, Elder Montoya said, “This building, as you can see, will be beautiful. [It will be] made with high-quality materials and built with the highest standards. However, it is not the building itself that allows us to feel joy but what takes place inside the building, which are ordinances and covenants.”
Josué García Castañeda, a young local Latter-day Saint, has ancestors who were pioneers of the Church in the area. He shared his gratitude for the construction of the temple.
“As I prepare to enter the temple, I remember that God desires me to be near Him and he has placed His temple as a special place for me to draw closer to Him,” said Castañeda. “What a grand blessing that the construction of this holy place is starting because I will be able to be closer to my Heavenly Father in my youth.”
To read the full report, CLICK HERE.