What I Learned from President Thomas S. Monson in Seventeen Minutes | Meridian Magazine

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January 26, 2025


Editor’s Note: Today, August 21, 2017, is our beloved prophet’s 90th birthday. Happy Birthday President Monson! To celebrate, we would like to revisit this incredible personal experience with him, captured in photographs. 

President Monson has especially been on my mind, in my heart and in my prayers these last few weeks. He has had a profound influence on my life and I love him. He has taught us all so many things, but I cannot forget one of my greatest experiences with him at the dedication of the Gilbert Arizona Temple. This was one of the most popular photo essays I’ve ever published—I have re-edited the photographs from the originals and drawn closer attention to President Monson. Thank you, President Monson, for your amazing 90 years on this earth and the influence for good you continue to be in all of our lives.

The coverstone ceremony of the Gilbert Arizona Temple on Sunday, March 2, 2014 was wonderful, sacred and full of the Spirit. Traditionally this is the symbolic completion of the Temple—putting the last mortar on the southeast cornerstone. I had no idea what I was going to witness with my camera, but it was life changing. I hope you will read each caption and look carefully at each picture—the message is subtle and powerful. President Boyd K. Packer said a most telling statement about President Monson: “He is more Christlike than the rest of us. He’s known for emphasizing and elevating things that are most important, the ordinary things. He is the one for whom the widow and the orphan are not just statements in a book.” I’ve thought about that statement from President Packer a great deal. This day I saw and felt the cornerstone of President Monson’s life and example before my own eyes.

GerryAugust 22, 2017

I have dubbed President Monson "The Prophet of Love" as I have observed him and read stories about him for many, many years. He has set a a high mark for all of us achieve in becoming more Christlike.

Ann-Marie JensenAugust 22, 2017

Thanks for posting this. I love the enthusiasm and joy exhibited by Kendall's face. How often we feel like this when we see the Lord's prophet, but are too inhibited to let it show. How refreshing!


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