Photo Essay: President Nelson and 16 Other Prophets Invite Us to the House of the Lord | Meridian Magazine

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January 25, 2025


In a visit to the Houston Texas area, I came with my camera to the Temple grounds very early in the morning before the sun arose. I wanted to capture those first moments of magical light as it shone on this glorious edifice. I will leave it to the Texans to determine whether these pictures were taken before or after the flood. I also did some research and found powerful statements from all 17 prophets of this dispensation inviting us to the House of the Lord. Please read each caption and look at each image–it will brighten and lift your day. I promise. I have placed the beautiful quotes in chronological order, beginning with the Prophet Joseph, then Brother Brigham, etc. and ending with a series of excerpts from the press conference where President Russell M. Nelson gave his first message as President of the Church on Tuesday, January 16, 2018. Is there something in President Nelson’s first message you missed? Come and see.

CeciliaApril 14, 2019

I saw this page only today but, still, I want to thank you for the research of the statements from all 17 prophets of this dispensation inviting us to the House of the Lord. So powerful and helpful to strenght those who need to be encouraged. Something I was looking for. Many, many thanks.

Patricia MenloveNovember 6, 2018

Love your artistic photography, but even more, I love your faith and the testimony you bear. I have also felt your faith and testimony of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as you sang of Him on our Israel trip - Jordan/Israel 2017. You are blessed with many gifts, Scot, and you are blessing us through those gifts. Thank you, Thank you for your faith and goodness. You are much loved. Patricia Menlove


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