The First Presidency has approved the phased reopening of Church historic sites beginning in May 2021. The sites have been closed since last spring due to circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

The sites, located throughout the country, will reopen based on local conditions, missionary staffing availability, and government guidelines. Because each site has a unique situation, conditions of reopening may vary. More details can be found on the webpage associated with each site (linked in the schedule below).

According to the Church Newsroom, the planned reopening schedule is as follows:

May 1






May 28

New York







The Newsroom also shared:

“We’re thrilled that the Church’s historic sites will be open to visitors this summer,” said Church Historian and Recorder Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. of the Seventy. “We know people are anxious to visit and the missionaries are eager to welcome them. Visiting the sites is a great way for individuals and families to enhance their understanding of Church history. Walking the paths and streets where the early Saints walked and visiting their homes and shops provides an immersive experience with the past. We hope in this year of ‘Come, Follow Me’ study of the Doctrine and Covenants and Church history, many people will have an opportunity to visit the sites, either in person or via a virtual tour. We are prepared to welcome them.”

The health and safety of all guests will be a top priority. At some sites, reservations will be required (groups of more than 20 will not be allowed in 2021), and visitors are encouraged to register in advance. Sites will also limit the number of people allowed in buildings at one time.

Visitors will be required to practice social distancing and wear face masks indoors (and outdoors where social distancing is not possible). Those who are sick are advised to stay home.

Most sites will have reduced operating hours, and some buildings or experiences may be closed. Sites may need to close again based on local conditions and regulations. Visitors are encouraged to check historic site web and Facebook pages frequently for the latest information and guidance.