Celebrating Joseph Smith: A Photographic Tour of the New Priesthood Restoration Site | Meridian Magazine

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January 26, 2025


Mary CarlingJanuary 6, 2016

Thank you for bringing back a wonderful memory about these sacred places.

Paula FrostDecember 29, 2015

My husband and I were able to visit this beautiful and spiritual site in 2012 before most of the restoration work had been started. Even then there was a special spirit radiating down from heaven. One of the pictures I took shows a ray of sun toward the gravesite of Emma and Joseph's son. It is amazing that that you also caught that ray of sun in may of your beautiful photographs. Thank you so very much for you inspiring pictures and sharing your many talents. After seeing the restoration through your eyes, we will make the journey again to this area. We will have to wait until we finish our mission in Spain.


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