A member of the BYU-Idaho Religion Department Faculty. 15 years as faculty member in the BYU-Idaho Religion Department at BYU-Idaho, 8 years teaching in Seminary and Institutes for the Church Educational System in Utah and south-eastern Idaho. Born in Ankara, Turkey, but was raised mostly in Burley, Idaho. Served mission for the Lord in Osaka, Japan.
Education: Bachelors degree in Political Science at BYU-Provo; Masters degree in Theology at the University of Notre Dame; Doctorate degree in Political Science at Idaho State University.
Published works include articles about authorship in the Book of Mormon and gospel doctrines concerning families and discipleship.
Married in the Logan Temple to Jennifer Lindeman and they have 3 children. The Allred family loves a night “in” at the movies in their basement “home theater,” as well as taking family trips to historical and cultural sites worldwide.
Service in the Church: Bishopric Counselor, Bishop, Stake High Councilor, Stake and Ward Young Men’s presidencies, High Priest’s Group Leader and currently serves as Councilor in a YSA Stake Presidency at BYU-Idaho. His favorite calling has been as Gospel Doctrine Teacher.
Matthew 5 and Luke 6 contain different accounts of likely…
The Old Testament is teeming with examples of the Lord…
The prophet Jeremiah provides us with a remarkable study in…
Isaiah, as well as the rest of the Lord’s prophets,…
"It is ironic that the profound message of the book…
The prospect of having to “replace” such a prophet as…
The Hebrew saints of millenniums past articulated much of their…
As Latter-day Saints we recognize the weaknesses inherent in the…
Deuteronomy is the record of Moses' last words to Israel…
It may be said that the scriptures are a record…
My friend expressed that she viewed the Old Testament as…
What was the nature of the conflict in pre-mortality?
Joseph knew right from the beginning of the restoration that…
The rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart companies is…
Sections 131 and 132 contain doctrines relative to the eternal…
In the revelation now called D&C 112, the Lord counseled…
Doctrine and Covenants 89 contains helpful instructions for the latter-day…
Joseph Smith enlightened the early members of the Church, who…
Regarding D&C 25, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley stated, "Insofar as…
The professor drew a triangle in the sky above the…
The Doctrine and Covenants is a unique volume in the…
No mere history primer, Moroni warns that the gentile nation…
Truly the prophets of the Lord-ancient and modern-provide the principles…
These chapters in 3 Nephi contain some of the most…
The Old Testament is teeming with examples of the Lord…
The prophet Jeremiah provides us with a remarkable study in…
Isaiah, as well as the rest of the Lord’s prophets,…
Isaiah, as well as the rest of the Lord's prophets,…
The Hebrew saints of millenniums past articulated much of their…
As Latter-day Saints we recognize the weaknesses inherent in the…
To reinforce and continually nurture Israel's covenantal memory, Moses employed…
Mortality is necessarily full of light and dark threads if…
As a primary-aged youth, I recall being a little confused…
A classic over-generalization of the Bible is to say that…
Gospel Doctrine help reflects on the help and protection afforded…
Why turning the hearts of the children to their fathers…
D&C 131 and 132 contain doctrines relative to the eternal…
The Lord asks that the knowledge of his name and…
Doctrine and Covenants 89 contains helpful instructions for the latter-day…
The declaration to Emma that she was indeed the Savior's…
Understanding and appreciating "conduit revelation" - a direct revelation from…
Let us here observe, that three things are necessary in…
The Old Testament is teeming with examples of the Lord…
The prophet Jeremiah provides us with a remarkable study in…
Isaiah, as well as the rest of the Lord's prophets,…
The Hebrew saints of millenniums past articulated much of their…