
If you are a millennial or have someone in your house who is 18 to 30 years old, you know that it can be difficult sometimes to feel purposeful in our fast-paced world. The demands of life can be stressful, the economy is a worry, values are shifting, and yet we need to figure out a spiritual and temporal balance while finding happiness in the midst of all this!

On Sunday, January 10, you’re invited to watch the very first 2016 Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults. It will feature President Russell M. Nelson speaking on how to thrive as a millennial in our ever-changing world. It will be available to view in 40 languages on and, starting at 6:00 p.m. mountain standard time. It will be available on those sites for later viewing as well.

As you start this new year, get inspired on how to set your life in motion in the right direction by listening to a modern-day prophet of God. Invite friends and family to tune in with you. Share your thoughts with us by using #ldsdevo on social media.