With the COVID restrictions we have endured for more than a year, we are all a little stir crazy. So we have created an opportunity for you to visit one of our best friends, Jimmy, in his Jerusalem olive wood shop from the comfort of your own home Tuesday night, March 16 at 8:00 MST p.m. via Zoom. 

Those of you who have traveled to Israel may know Jimmy, and those who haven’t should. He has been a special friend in Jerusalem to the Latter-day Saints for more than forty years, and his olive wood shop is a go-to place for all of us when we visit the Holy Land. 

This past year we, like all other tourists, have been unable to visit Jimmy in Jerusalem, and his olive wood carvers in Bethlehem have created beautiful pieces—unsold. Tough times! So we said we’d bring some friends to visit his shop from a long distance over the Internet. 

He’s going to tell us about what life has been like in Jerusalem when no tourists can enter. He will tell us about the special green card Israelis have to carry to go to a store. This is an Israel that is different—for now—than the one you may dream of, emptied by COVID restrictions. 

He will also be showing us his new olive wood carvings. Some of them are very Latter-day Saint specific—like the Liahona and the First Vision. All of them celebrate Jesus Christ—like his reaching out to a sinking Peter, or aiding the man on the Road to Jericho. Jimmy has nativity sets matched with stunning olive wood caves, olive wood carvings that are specific to Easter—like the empty Garden Tomb. These are elegant additions to your home or make unforgettable gifts. You can even order now for Christmas. Shipping for purchases over $200 will be free. 

You are invited to just come and feel for a minute the world of Jerusalem and see the magnificent olive wood carvings, that capture the spirit of Israel. 

Write ma************@co*****.net for the Zoom link and you will be able to attend. Space is limited to only 100 people, so let us hear from you soon. This should be fun! Hope to see you then.