In addition to the wonderful insights we received from the Prophet during the April sessions of general conference, President Russell M. Nelson also shared a tender and very personal message about forgiveness in a new video released on Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023.

“As we approach Easter, my thoughts have lingered on one of the last moments of the Savior’s mortal ministry,” said President Nelson. “As He was being crucified on Calvary’s cross, the Redeemer of all mankind uttered these timeless words: ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’” (see Luke 23:34).

After sharing this familiar and poignant moment from the life of the Savior, President Nelson shared a very vulnerable, personal story from his time as a heart surgeon. Two of his heart patients, who were sisters, both passed away after he operated them. The parents blamed him for their deaths.

“For almost six decades, I was haunted by this situation,” he said. The family was unwilling to meet with him until a few years ago. In the video, he shares the tender details of his finally getting to meet them and beg for their forgiveness.

In sharing this story, President Nelson is extending an invitation to consider forgiving someone this Easter season.

“I promise that as you forgive, the Savior will relieve you of anger, resentment and pain,” he said. “The Prince of Peace will bring you peace.”