Understanding What Malachi Meant About Turning Hearts

Sign up for Meridian’s Free Newsletter, please CLICK HERE This Malachi passage is repeated in every single one of the standard works: Comparing the repeated passages reveals the consistency of the message with one exception.  When Moroni spoke during his first night with the young Joseph Smith, he clarified that turning the hearts was more than just a stroll down memory lane.  Moroni said that the restoration of the sealing keys would furnish the means of having ancient promises, received by our ancestors, planted into our hearts so that our hearts would turn to our father’s yet to be fulfilled promises.  Later the Prophet would explain that the word “turn” should be translated as “seal or bind.”1 The ancient promises, once planted into our hearts would draw us to perform the necessary ordinances that would bind us to those ancestors and thereby claim their promises as our own.  But what ancient promises, and how would they motivate us to make time for the research and then the temple? The promises most oft referenced in the scriptures are those made to Abraham.  Are those of any modern consequence, or do they furnish any motivation to us today? Searching all references to those … Continue reading Understanding What Malachi Meant About Turning Hearts