We travel far and wide and we run into Meridian readers everywhere.  We’ve personally talked with you from every one of the United States. We’ve talked to you in Germany and New Zealand. We’ve talked to you in Norway and Oman. We’ve interacted with you in Scotland and the Philippines.  What is the surprising thing you each tell us wherever we go?

“We need you.”

Why We Publish

This has been another wonderful year of publishing here at Meridian Magazine.  We can hardly believe that we are coming up on our 20th anniversary in February. The reasons we started this magazine all those years ago have only intensified as the times have become more challenging. We know your worries and your concerns, the thoughts that nag you at night, and we are here to help. We live in the same bewildering world, and there’s not much as comforting as a safe place to talk and reading articles from writers every day who share your values.

We publish Meridian every day because we know this about you.

You live in an angry world, and you’d like to read something that brings you peace.

You’d like a calm place in the stormy sea.

You are worried about the rising generation and why so many are struggling with their faith.

You’d like to know how to be more effective with your children and grandchildren.

You’d like your family to stay close to each other.

You’d like harmony in your marriage.

You’d like to know more about the scriptures so you have a sure, iron rod to hold on to.

You want to be lifted and inspired and have light course its way through your life.

You believe that all of life’s answers are found in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you want to see how others have applied them.

You may live where there are fewer members, and you want to keep your finger on the pulse of the news about the Church.

You want to read the best writing on the topics most important to you.

You want to be up-to-the-minute on the breaking news of the Church.

You won’t find this content in The Washington Post, The New York Times or on CNN. You will only find it on Meridian. In fact, we are one of a kind in the content we bring you with breadth, depth and a handle on the news and values that matter to us as members of The Church of Jesus Christ.

Every day we send you messages of power. You count on us. We are your perfect match.

What other publication in the world knows you and your needs so well?

This is why we publish!

You count on us. You do need us.  But we also count on you.

We need your help to continue publishing.

For the last 10 out of 20 years of publishing, we have asked for a generous subscription to keep us going.  This year we suggest $40 (that is equal to 15 cents an issue).

And this year, as a gift, we will give you a beautiful fine art photography frameable image download—a $50 value—as a THANK YOU for your generous voluntary subscription. As soon as you subscribe you will be sent a thank you email with a free download button for either a horizontal or vertical image of the Sacred Grove.

We need you to continue and to expand our mission.  We need you to help pay for the substantial costs of running a daily magazine.  Compared to the big, national media, we are a small site but we have all the expenses of the big sites, hosting fees, email server costs, servers, backups, our staff and a host of other fees.  Advertising alone does not pay for all of this—and thus we come to you our faithful readers.  You are the ones who keep Meridian going—to keep the ship sailing “steady as she goes.”  Will you help us this year?


Dorothy Sayers, writing in 1948, said:

“For we let our young men and women go out unarmed, in a day when armor was never so necessary.”

What was her complaint? That there was a battery of words, words, words that would come the way of the youth. We would say that there are words that destroy testimonies, corrupt viewpoints, erode faith. She continued:

“They do not know what the words mean; they do not know how to ward them off, or blunt their edge or fling them back.”

Instead, they are prey to the words. So are adults.

Could there be a more important time to send into your inbox each day words that arm you with light in this challenging world?


The Challenge to Subscribe

Our biggest challenge every year is just plain participation.  If we could even get 2% of our readers to respond with only half of what we are suggesting, we would be well ahead of our needs and our goals.

We all think someone else is supporting this magazine. That’s just not true. It’s you and you alone.

Please, we ask that you support us this year and participate in this voluntary subscription campaign.  Please don’t wait until we’ve asked fifteen or twenty times.  We would so appreciate your support before the holidays come too heavily upon you and you forget.  Any many of you each year don’t subscribe at the standard level. You do much, much more—and for this we are so grateful. Please subscribe now.


This year we voluntarily subscribed to another online magazine because we had been enjoying it for free for many years. We asked ourselves: What would we lose if this magazine wasn’t there every day for us? Too much. We would really miss it. It would be a loss in our lives. We enjoy engaging with the ideas it presents every day. It just didn’t seem right to us that we enjoyed it every day and didn’t help in our small way to pay their expenses.

What would you miss without the daily gift of Meridian in your life? Too much. You would really miss it. Your subscription cost will also make it possible for others to have the important messages from Meridian in a world that so badly needs it. You become a leaven for your whole community.

Will you become a paid subscriber today? CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE.

Some Perspective

Let’s put this in perspective as to what we are asking:

It is less than four movie tickets and a very small bag of popcorn.

It is about the same as two plastic bottles of cashew nuts at Costco.

It’s less than a tank of gas for most cars.

It is about the same as dinner for two at an inexpensive restaurant.

How much is Meridian worth to you—all 260 issues? Is it worth $40?


For those who are not comfortable using your credit card or PayPal account online, you are welcome to send us a check through the US Mail. Please make the check to:

Meridian Magazine
PO Box 203
American Fork, UT  84003-0203

Thank You

As always, thank you for your subscriber support.  Remember, after you subscribe, you will receive a wonderful, professional fine art photograph download of the Sacred Grove that you can then print and have framed (in vertical or horizontal) for your home or office.  This is our way of saying thanks.  We are so grateful for you, our readers and deeply appreciate your voluntary subscriptions and your belief in the mission of Meridian Magazine.

Love and blessings to each of you,
Scot & Maurine Proctor
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief