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What style of journal writing is best for you? What are the benefits of journaling? For starters, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs reports that therapeutic journaling is as effective as other interventions (such as counseling) for trauma. In this article, we’ll walk through several types of journal writing, practical tips for how to write a journal entry, how to start a habit, and some inspiration for why it is worth the effort. As a biographer, writing coach, and journal writing devotee, I’ll share both evidence-based research and some of my own field experience.

First things first, what is journal writing?

The broadest definition of journaling is simply an informal practice of writing thoughts, feelings, and ideas. There are several types of journal writing with different purposes in mind. By the end of this article, you will be clear on your purpose and can choose the best journaling style for your needs.

Which type of journaling suits you?

Here are several types of journaling at a glance:

  1. Diary writing in the style of a regular log
  2. Diary writing in the style of recording important moments/thoughts
  3. Morning pages
  4. Writing a personal history
  5. Therapeutic journaling

Six benefits of journaling

Journaling is advocated by many therapists, physicians, writing coaches, and even the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Here are a few reasons it is worth figuring out a method that works for you.

Benefit #1 – Journaling improves writing skills & creativity

Your writing will improve the more you do it. In the words of Stephen King from his wonderful book On Writing, a Memoir of the Craft, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others; read a lot and write a lot.” A habit of journaling will keep you limber so ideas can flow from your creative mind onto the page. (Disclosure if you purchase a book using a link in this article we make a small commission from Amazon. It’s a tiny portion of our income, but we always appreciate it)

Journalling is often my first stab at a new idea, and this is where I sketch emerging thoughts. My journal entries are precursors to more formal written pieces (or even business plans) to come later. Sometimes, journaling helps me noodle on bad ideas and discard them before they chew up resources.

In short, journaling is a wonderful catalyst that will boost creativity. This habit will invite the muse and clear your mind so you’re ready to work. You might be surprised by what shows up on the page.

Benefit #2 – Journaling helps you figure out what you think

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