The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full report, CLICK HERE.
The renovation of Temple Square in Salt Lake City is now in its 20th month. The video and photos below give a glimpse of the past three months of work in this years-long project. This includes the reinforcement of the Salt Lake Temple roof, the continued renovation of the Church Office Building Plaza to the east and additional excavation on the north side of the temple.
Roof Reinforcement
In May, crews began adding replacement steel trusses to the temple roof as part of the seismic reinforcement of the temple. The new trusses are erected one by one to control the exposure of the existing roof.
“On a typical project, we would open up the entire structure, and we would do all the new trusses at the same time,” said Josh Fajardo, a superintendent with Jacobsen Construction Company. “But because we have historic finishes that are remaining inside the temple that have to be protected, we have to do it one at a time.”

To read the full report, CLICK HERE.