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Elder Stevenson shared several examples of flags that symbolize values and unity, much like how individuals can embody Christlike attributes as His disciples.

He illustrated his address by talking about four flags or topics to help us become better disciples of Christ.

  1. Peacemaker
  2. Understanding
  3. Restoration
  4. Engagement

“These four metaphorical flags, ensigns, banners that you might wave as you continue your education, work towards temporal and spiritual self-reliance, and strive to follow the example of the Savior — consider each of them as a call to action.”


Elder Stevenson highlighted the importance of building, lifting and inspiring others, even in difficult situations. By prioritizing others’ needs, we can raise the metaphorical flag of peacemaking and make a meaningful impact in our families and communities.

“A peacemaker must consider the needs of the other as much or more than their own,” Elder Stevenson said. “This perspective of a peacemaker not only calls for individual responsibility but also underscores the connection of all people.”


“We should practice — to perfect traits of understanding in the way we communicate,” Elder Stevenson said.

He explained that true understanding involves active listening, empathy and thoughtful communication, requiring deliberate focus rather than multitasking.


Elder Stevenson taught that the mission of the Restoration is guided by simple principles: love, share and invite. By loving others as Christ did, we preach the gospel through actions, even without words.

“[Carrying the flag of the Restoration] embodies everything that you are,” Elder Stevenson said. “Sons and daughters of loving heavenly parents, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, active participants on the covenant path.”


He expressed that whether through small, simple acts of love for neighbors or formal civic involvement, contributing to your community enriches both yourself and society.

Elder Stevenson said, “This can be done in simple and small ways as you keep the second great commandment to love your neighbor, and also, in more formal civic charity and engagement.”

“We hope you will engage in good causes wherever you might be. … Go forth, proudly carrying His banner, the gospel of Jesus Christ,” Elder Stevenson said.